On Reddit this guy did 1022 and it ended.1024! You overflowed their 10-bit int...![]()
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As for it's efficacy...meh? Seems like mixing tribes is a good way to be mediocre with all of them.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking of, shattered sun cleric was a very powerful card when it was a 3/3. The card only has to give one minion +1/+1 to be good value. I think best case actual scenario is it gives either a dragon or beast and sir finley +1/+1. Not sure if its enough to replace say frothing berserkers with these, giving a faerie dragon +1/+1 would be super annoying though. I think the card is too conditional, but its not that bad.I think objectively it's a good card, maybe really good, but those tribes aren't in the mana slots in any decks right now to make it work. It's a Shattered Sun with more restrictions and more potential and Shattered Sun was solid for a long time. If those tribes get filled out more I think it could see play.
They are REALLY trying to make discard warlock a thing. MAYBE it works this time?
Imp Gang Boss is one of the most powerful cards in the deck though and it gives warriors more fits than any other class. It is extremely difficult for them to clear the board with an imp gang boss on board and zoo its mandatory to have minions on the board to trade up with. It can force executes saving a councilman or doomguard later in the game.damn.. warriors and anti-zoo decks are out in force right now. Was able to go from 20 to 10 in like 5 days last month, do more arena then anything, now I'm treading water at 15. 3/4 decks I face are warriors with 2 revenge, 2 ravaging ghoul, etc.. like 6-8 whirlwind effects that clear my board over and over. Wish I had the cards for more decks, but I don't even have imp gang boss for the 'optimal' version of zoo. Can't justify buying that adventure just for one card that I need right now.