

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think they'll ever really change any core set cards at this point. They did that for awhile until new expansions started coming out. I can't remember the last time they changed a core set card now.
On it's own, it's not that bad. It's one of warrior's best core cards, for sure, but it's the combination of all the other support they have right now that's making them so good.

Honestly, I'd love to see them give some kind of weapons to EVERY class, so then anti-weapon cards are reasonable to run in most lists. They are so niche right now, great against some people and pretty worthless against others.
The atiesh you get from from Medivh is a great design idea, imo, but they could expand on that idea a lot more.
Druid: Beast claws, 3 mana, 2/2, battlecry: If you control a beast, gain 3 armor.
Mage: Wand of power, 1 mana, 0/2, every time you cast a spell lose 1 durability. +1 spellpower.
Priest: Staff of shielding, 3 mana, 1/4, whenever a friendly minion takes damage, reduce it by 1 and lose 1 durability.
Warlock: Burning skull, 2 mana, 1/2, whenever you kill a minion with this weapon, draw a card.

Those were all just off the top of my head, so might be bad or broken, dunno, just illustrating the concepts

Yeah, I've always thought that everyone should have some sorts of weapons options, or wands if they want for casters. Not even just to help the hate tech cards, but to open design spaces up more for those classes. Don't have to make it a backbone of a non-melee class, but just be willing to introduce the concept to more classes.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Opened a golden ancient shieldbearer which completes a playset. Hot diggity daffodils!
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Cards this week:

Zoobot - Neutral, give a random Beast, Dragon and Murloc +1/+1
Menagerie Warden - Druid, choose a friendly beast and summon a copy of it
Nightbane Templar - Paladin, if holding a Dragon summon two 1/1 whelps
Runic Egg - Neutral, Deathrattle draw a card
Purify - Priest, Silence a friendly minion and draw a card
Avian Watcher - Neutral, If you control a secret gain +1/+1 and Taunt
Menagerie Magician - Neutral, give a random Beast, Dragon and Murloc +2/+2
The Curator - Neutral, Legendary, Taunt, draw a Beast, Dragon and Murloc from your deck

Cards to watch:
Menageri Warden - Great synergy with Stranglethorn Tiger, Mounted Raptor, Barnes (if the 1/1 is a beast, his copy would be full stats since it's "summon" and not "copy"), and of course DotC.

Nightbane Templar - Slightly better than Blackwing Tech for Dragon Paladin, but Dragon Paladin probably still bad.

Avian Watcher - Reno Mage & Freeze Mage could benefit heavily here. A 4/7 with Taunt for 5 mana. Mage doesn't often run big taunts. I think this will really push Reno Mage even more into the meta.

The Curator - Seems REALLY good, expensive, but a 3 card draw from deck can be big.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
A taunt isn't going to stop freeze mage from getting raped by a ladder full of warriors. Same for Reno mage. This week is pretty weak, cat trick and babbling book are the only things I'm planning to experiment with.

Next week is the moneyshot. Medivh's Valet, Netherspite Historian, Book Wyrm (maybe too slow), Violet Illusionist, and Prince Malchezaar.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh yea, forgot the class cards. Cat Trick will probably see a lot of play. I've been seeing a lot of "secret hunter". Not sure if some pro made it? Played multiple hunter with 1-2x Snipes.

I'm still not sold on Babbling Book, guess we'll see. Too much competition at the 1 drop slot imo.

Freeze mage isn't going to do well for sure but I've been seeing a decent amount of reno mage and have seen some pros streaming reno mage... biggest problem is lack of defensive cards.

Next week definitely has a lot of the great cards I want to experiment with all of them. No losers imo.

Valet is going to be OP
Prince is fun times, especially for Fatigue Warrior -- Also Ironforge Portal
Violet Illusionist is cheap enough that could work in some warlock decks and weapon decks
Imp might push discardlock into the meta - there's been some tries already which seem borderline "ok".
Medivh looks super fun too... I could even see fitting him in a Fatigue list. Warrior can have several 5 cost spells now. (2x Brawl, 2x Ironforge).
And yea, I think Nethersprite and Book Wyrm could push Dragon decks - especially Dragon Paladin.

This week's cards look very tame/boring in comparison.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Scumbag shaman gives me the "that was a mistake" emote when I cleared his full board of mostly peddling little totems. Except it was all calculated, not that I really want to use an equality against that board, I knew he was baiting it, but I also had a sigil and a doomsayer in hand. So if I have to use an equality that early on against shaman, at least it was a full board, I drew two cards for free, and he couldn't develop the board the following turn. Later in the game, I haven't played tirion yet, he uses one hex on chillmaw and then the second hex on emperor the following turn, when what should I top deck next? So I made sure to give him the "that was a mistake" emote before dropping tirion. Nipple rubbing good stuff there.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I guess I'm the opposite. I think this week has some great drops. Curator should be fun, warden is powerful and solidifies an archetype, and Templar is very good and could bring back dragon pally with bookwurm. Not saying next week is bad because a couple of those cards look extremely powerful. I know I'll be experimenting just as much with curator as medivh though.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
With all the cards that interact with spells now I feel like the coin more than ever needs to not count as a spell. Its not perfect, but I think making it a 0 cost 0/1 minion add 1 mana crystal until end of turn can not be targeted by abilities or spells and dies at the end of your turn would be better than what we have now.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes. We'll see if that changes in the next couple months but I highly doubt it will.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea, going second is becoming more and more of a disadvantage. In constructed and arena, although it's very severe in arena. I think the biggest jump was in TGT weirdly. Arena has always been very tempo-driven, and constructed is drifting that way as strong defense/healing cards got rotated out or overpowered by aggressive cards, and going second is just a gigantic tempo loss.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I agree... especially if you play control decks, you often don't need coin. Aggro decks would prefer to get their 1 drop out immediately so going 1st is preferred. Going 2nd seems to benefit Yogg and Rogue the most.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone else notice this with excavate evil? The last 4x in a row I've had it cast against me I've drawn it the following turn. Board is normally clear after an excavate evil turn so a dead draw following a board clear is pretty rough.
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Trakanon Raider
Beast druid is going to be insane. Already got my deck built just waiting for Menagerie Warden.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Beast druid is going to be insane. Already got my deck built just waiting for Menagerie Warden.

I still think Yogg druid will be the better deck. We'd be seeing beast druid by now if it's going to be good. A 5 mana card isn't going to make it super-great all of a sudden.

Beast druid needs an end game. Right now their early game is really fucking strong but they lack comeback mechanic and late game. Malorn is their only beast over 5 mana.

Yogg druid has a lot of removal and a hail mary comeback mechanic plus can dominate fast and early if they get their ramp.

If the 7 mana druid card worked like the giants/Thing then maybe Beast druid would work better. Free 6/6s similar to Thing.

Still fun to play around with it. Barnes > Malorn > Menageri, lets go.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Beast druid is just going to be an inferior version of zoo. You won't have the draw power of lifetap or the explosive finishing power of PO/Soulfire. Your entire gameplan revolves around getting an explosive early game advantage and hoping to ride it to victory.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Woops, it's a 6 mana card, not 5...

I think Menagerie Warden does a pretty good job of giving beast druid endgame.

How? Its a 5/5 for 6 which requires a friendly beast on board to have added value, otherwise better to drop a Sylvanas or Cairne in most cases.

You can combo with Strangethorn Tiger but the chances you actually have both cards in hand for turns 5/6 won't be very consistent at all. Keeping a non-stealth beast on board is also not consistent, and if you wait for 8+ mana to combo then you lose board presence. It's just not consistent at all.

Yes, there will be some strong turns once in a while, but like I said, no comeback mechanic, no late game. It's more mid-range. Copying a Tiger and having 3 5/5s on board isn't much different than dropping 2 Things from Below for free plus something else.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Malorne is GvG, btw.
Yea true, I was browsing my collection last night and noticed him and thought maybe he'd eventually see play with Barnes and crap, but wasn't thinking about Standard so ehhhhhh.
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