Why is anyone speculating standard won't change much in 2017 at this point? Definitely way too early to worry about that.
We will have 2 more expansions before it rotates out too
BRM is an interesting loss. Quick Shot, Flamewaker, Resurrect, Imp Gang Boss, Revenge, Grim Patron, Emperor Thaurissan, and all the Dragon stuff.
TGT is rather unimportant, though it neuters shaman (Totem Golem, Tuskerr Totemic, Thunder Bluff Valiant). The only card I'll really miss is Justicar Trueheart
LoE has some powerful and important cards though. Raven Idol, Forgotten Torch, Keeper of Uldaman, Anyfin Can Happen, Entomb, Tomb Pillager, Tunnel Trogg, Dark Peddler (this card should have been banned in Batstone), and most important of all rip the exciting legendaries, Finley Brann Elise and Reno
You look at those loses and nothing in play right now really survives without a substantial power drop. Cthun Warrior kind of, but Justicar hits Priest and Warrior hardest. Hunter looks strong.
It's way too early to really look at it though because we have 2 more expansions worth of cards before it matters. That said, I think they way they are rotating out sets is a mistake. It should just be 1 set for 1 set, not first set = entire year. I understand why they are going that route, because they want that really huge shake up at the start of the year and then minor additions till Blizzcon, but I'd rather have more incremental changes instead of one major one.