I don't know what Blizzard was thinking.
I can say that about lots of cards those retards have released in Whispers and Karazhan.
Cult Apothecary - Did these morons really think this would be a viable replacement for healbot?
Fiery Bat - Nerf Leper Gnome then give hunters something even better
Call of the Wild - What is this I don't even
Stand against Darkness - Did they really think this would be a viable replacement for muster? If stand cost 3 mana, muster would STILL be more powerful.
Power Word: Tentacles - Did these morons really think this would be a viable replacement for chosen?
Flamewreathed Faceless - This would be a stupid fucking card even if they hadn't just double nerfed BGH
Thing from Below - Let's make sure shaman is op as fuck
Maelstrom Portal - Let's make sure shaman is op as fuck
Kindly Grandmother - Let's shift the game away from minions that deathrattle out a minion, then give a bunch back to hunter
Arcane Giant - Molten was too powerful even though you had to get dangerously low on health to get it for free, so let's make a giant that you can cast for free just by playing your deck normally!
Barnes - There haven't been enough cards that potentially win the game on turn 4 since shredder rotated out, so let's make a new one!
Nightbane Templar - I bet it will help paladins a lot to get a class card that's almost strictly worse than an already existing neutral!
The Curator - They obviously didn't think this one through. Dragon warrior really didn't need this bullshit.
Spirit Claws - Let's make sure shaman is op as fuck
I actually excuse them for the stupidity that is Yogg, they (along with everyone else) figured it would just be some zany gimmick card that wouldn't see serious play. Last night I lost to a Yogg when, right near the end, he inner raged and charged his yogg then mind controlled my taunt.