I still find it insane you guys are all hating the game so much right now. I've put in more time lately then I have in a long time, in all the formats. I spread my time between Standard (rank 5 atm), Wild (rank 9ish), and Arena (sucking massive dick). I played a lot of a Medivh Yogg Druid in Standard (no token or malygos package, I think both are inconsistent and weaken the deck) with a little bit of Midrange Shaman once I got golden Druid. Dragon Priest has been interesting in wild, though I think I need to tweek that deck because I'm struggling more against Agro than I think I should be. I used to be infinite in arena easily, but lately I've been struggling and generally stuck in the 5-6 win range which is a little frustrating. I think I'm drafting poorly and just playing well enough to not shit out.