

Trakanon Raider
vS Data Reaper Report #20 - Vicious Syndicate (vS)
2 of the hunter lists there run Rag. I am partial to VLPS Curator Secret Hunter one myself. For instance, Rag won me a game this morning against a Tempo Mage. He had Flamestriked off my CoTW, twice. He's at 10 with a Water Elemental up and 4 in hand. I drop Rag and hero. Now, Rag hits face which wins but clearing the Water Elemental would have been good as well as I had 2 minions up and options in hand.
Mid-Range Hunter - Vicious Syndicate (vS)
You mean one of the three lists they chose and it doesn't show up on the 'radar' that averages out the cards used in that archetype?

I'm not saying no one ever runs rag, but the first response acted as if rag is a default choice in every midrange hunter list. He's not. He's an exception, not the rule. He's run more in other style of hunter lists, but that wasnt what we were discussing originally. CotW going to 9 mana might change that in the future, though.
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<Bronze Donator>
It was after that. They talked about the state of Priest and how when they had been designing Priest all the Purify meme's started at the same time they realized Priest needed some help
Priest was bottom of the arena and constructed heap before KZ and it was obvious. Purify was so insulting because it sucks and it was being given to a class that needed the most help.

They may not have explicitly acknowledged that the priest needed help before KZ, but they had to have known. The recent nerfs and relative short response time shows they are at least paying attention somewhat.
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Trakanon Raider
err.. i clicked it so fast that i didn't get a screencap, but I just had a WotG pack from arena that had 3 bog creepers in it? wtf, never seen that before.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like such a dirty bastard playing secretzoth in wild but my god it's just unstoppable.
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<Bronze Donator>
Man, I have to say I just really don't enjoy any of the Shaman decks. I'm 90 wins from gold Shaman, and it's just so unenjoyable. Face, Mid-range, BogChamp, all just bleh. I was really having fun with Tempo Mage and Medivh/Yogg Druid getting those gold, but Shaman just sucks. The other two classes I need (Rogue for 270ish, Priest for 240ish) are just as bad.

Is the Yogg Priest any good? Or the OTK one? I'll play either standard or wild, I just need some good deck thoughts that could be enjoyable
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Molten Core Raider
I got fucking wrecked by a Dragon/rez priest on two separate occasions yesterday. Once playing tempo mage, the other playing midrange shaman. In both cases the game was over by turn 7. Looked interesting.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Man, I have to say I just really don't enjoy any of the Shaman decks. I'm 90 wins from gold Shaman, and it's just so unenjoyable. Face, Mid-range, BogChamp, all just bleh. I was really having fun with Tempo Mage and Medivh/Yogg Druid getting those gold, but Shaman just sucks. The other two classes I need (Rogue for 270ish, Priest for 240ish) are just as bad.

Is the Yogg Priest any good? Or the OTK one? I'll play either standard or wild, I just need some good deck thoughts that could be enjoyable

You can play almost any variety of priest in wild and it works just fine since you have the important tools (mostly lightbomb, also deathlord and velen's). I run a fairly standard control list with n'zoth.
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<Bronze Donator>
You can play almost any variety of priest in wild and it works just fine since you have the important tools (mostly lightbomb, also deathlord and velen's). I run a fairly standard control list with n'zoth.
What kind of win rate? Also do you have a list?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I started wild this season at rank 22, so I wouldn't take my 82% win rate to heart lol. And actually this is a more aggressive list rather than a standard control list. If you prefer a more controlling approach, you can ditch some stuff to make room for the auchenai package.

Priest - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
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<Bronze Donator>
I'll have to give it a try I guess.

Going to try to finish Shaman first as painful as it is. I think I've decided I hate it so much because I lose rng, and Shaman is just innate rng. Just rng'ing totems is the worst. Losing a game because 6 turns in a row you couldn't get spell power is the fucking worst. I've also never bothered crafting Al'Akir and never opened him so there is that too
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<Bronze Donator>
If all you run into is Shaman on ladder you should just play Control Warrior if you can. It's just so hard for them to kill you when you gain 30 life and have 2 brawls plus a bunch of good single target removal.

I'm trying Barnes in my Mid-range Shaman deck. 4 is literally an empty space in all the lists. It's actually decent. Since I don't have Al'akir I'm running Rag, which it hasn't pulled, but you have lots of other good targets with like Flametongue, Mana Tide, Thunder-Bluff, even Azure Drake or Thalnos can be clutch because of Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal. I'm surprised the pro's aren't using him when it's an empty slot.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Man, I have to say I just really don't enjoy any of the Shaman decks. I'm 90 wins from gold Shaman, and it's just so unenjoyable. Face, Mid-range, BogChamp, all just bleh. I was really having fun with Tempo Mage and Medivh/Yogg Druid getting those gold, but Shaman just sucks. The other two classes I need (Rogue for 270ish, Priest for 240ish) are just as bad.

Is the Yogg Priest any good? Or the OTK one? I'll play either standard or wild, I just need some good deck thoughts that could be enjoyable
The otk one isn't very good, after having a slightly above 50% win rate my first dozen games, it probably had a 20% win rate over the next dozen.

For rogue I still like barnes miracle rogue, imo its the strongest rogue since wotog and yet still no one plays rogue, that should tell you something there.
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<Bronze Donator>

Good simple explanation of Tuskar nerf. Not that anyone really needed any convincing of such, I just like stats. Makes me wonder what other cards might benefit from the same analysis.
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Unelected Mod
So a Tuskarr rolling a basic totem has a negative win expectation. Didn't expect to see that. Definitely not a staple after this change. Great video Deathwing.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
So hearthbros, what's the opinion on Yogg post patch? Worth keeping? Or dust? It sure seems to me that pretty much every time he's played, he just about never survives if he has 8+ casts, which is most times.

He could be worth it as a hail mary board clear, as long as you don't count on anything past that? Useful for classes without access to board clears, I suppose.
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