

King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
How many of the games got won by Yogg though? That's kind of the thing. You win or lose based on the rest of the Druid stuff, Yogg just felt incredibly inconsistent and rarely used.

Very few but sometimes having an 'oh shit' backup is better than nothing. I'm not a huge fan of Yogg especially now but very few decks push as many spells as this druid deck does. I had considered Deathwing for similar reasons and may go back to it but Yogg does so much more(good and bad) that more testing is needed.
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Molten Core Raider
ESL open beta is up apparently and the praise is high.

Is selling HS accounts a thing?
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Man I went from being able to comfortable reach ranks 5-10 to being absolutely shit on and being stuck in upper teens. Fucking hell I must be terribad.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you stuck in the upper teens now or stuck in the upper teens at the end of last month? Upper teens at this time of the month = ranks 5-10 at the end of the month.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Upper teens now. Just getting smashed left and right. Feels bad. I think I did not adjust well for new stuff from Karazhan.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, upper teens now is still like the top 5% of the hs population.

On another note, fucking fuck spectral claws and my shaman opponent ALWAYS rolling spell power totem when needed at 25% chance.
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Trakanon Raider
Yogg post nerf:

First time I cast him I have a spell power minion on board and my opponent's board is full. Yogg comes down and he stormcracks himself immediately ending the chain after one spell.

Second time I cast him my opponents board is full. First spell is an explosive shot on himself ending the chain again.

RNG hates me. And in a game that is pure RNG I am always getting fucked.
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Molten Core Raider
I suspect Yogg will still see some play after the nerfs. People seem to have looked at the probability of him eventually dying during his casts and concluded that he's useless every time that happens. In reality, he very rarely dies before the 5th or 6th spell, and that's usually good enough. If there was a 10-mana card that just cast six random spells and had like a 25% chance to also summon a 7/5 or whatever, that would get played. What you usually want out of him in druid is a board clear, so if you play him while your opponent has a number of minions in play, the odds of Yogg killing himself with single-target removal are quite small. Usually he'll die to a board clear and will have served his purpose. He's worse now, but not hopeless. For a class that has no other board clear, I think he remains playable.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok so here's a newbie question... did I somehow miss my reward for getting to rank 7 in standard last run? I don't remember opening a chest but maybe I'm losing it.
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<Bronze Donator>
Well considering how often I cast him as nothing more than a board wipe which he typically provided, and druid doesn't ordinarily get a board wipe, in that sense I'd say he won me a lot of games. And a couple times he just won the game outright by leaving me with a ridiculous board advantage.
Err, I totally meant how often does Malygos actually win the game. Was too tired lol. Replace Yogg with Malygos in the previous post!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Err, I totally meant how often does Malygos actually win the game. Was too tired lol. Replace Yogg with Malygos in the previous post!

Oh. About as often as any other win condition. I'd say arcane giants are always going to be the ones getting the lion's share of the work done regardless of how you configure yogg druid. It's also not like I massively overhauled the deck to center it around Malygos. My 'Malygos package' consists of Malygos, 2 moonfires, and 1 auctioneer. I'd say he won me fewer games than Medivh did when I was running your list, but there's also the question of how many games were won by auctioneer getting me to my giants faster. Here are my results with Yogg druid in standard. There may have been other lists that I played but these are the ones I had success with.

73-56 with Token Yogg over last 2(3?) seasons Druid - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

37-17 with Vanilla Yogg over last 2(3?) seasons Druid - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

22-17 with Slipperyogg, last season only Druid - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn

19-9 with Maly Yogg, last season only Druid - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn


And Yogg is still more than capable of winning games single-handed which is why I didn't bother disenchanting him.
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I somehow think Shaman is going to be just fine when they can still crank out first three turns like this ...
Tunnel Trogg > Totem Golem > Tunnel Trogg > Totem Golem + Nuke
I just conceded. Who wants to deal with that shit?
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<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, Shaman really is still fine. I think the Mid-Range decks are still varied with what people are trying, but it all works. I'm up to rank 6 with it this season (about 30 wins till golden) and have had a respectable win rate the whole time. I basically kept my list and replaced Rockbiters with Lightning bolts, and the Tuskars with a second Lightning Storm (only had 1) and a Feral Spirits.

I really can't decide if Rag or Bloodlust is better. I guess it depends on what I'm playing against
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Molten Core Raider
I prefer Bloodlust due to the potential to surprise CWs. Rag just gets removed.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
A lot of straight up aggro this morning, I guess to counter the anyfin pallies to counter control warrior.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why the fuck did they make this stupid shit a brawl? Get fucked with this nonsense.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I was right btw, that was a buff to Yogg, not a nerf.
Seems it would be a bit of a wash. Sometimes he'll cast a few spells and return to hand for you to play a 2nd time, this could be considered a buff, but depending on how far in he does it, like before he clears the opponent's board will likely get you killed. And then other times he just dies immediately.

I think I've seen him once since the patch? Against the same opponent, first time his first spell was vanish so he cast him again and killed himself on like the 3rd or 4th spell doing practically nothing.
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