Some stats for my dragon priest. Rank 8 atm, not sure why the highlights are showing 9. I'm running Wrathion and 2x Faerie Dragon. Took out the Northshire Clerics, as my draw has not been an issue at any point, and Wrathion can luck out and pull some nice draw from time to time. Took out the ooze as well. Found that running one ooze wasn't really impactful.
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So in 80 packs I opened I think 5 legendaries, 1 of which was golden (Madam Goya) and a bunch of usable golden cards. Was a pretty good set of packs, I ended up with 5225 dust and had to craft Patches (which I just crafted Golden, because I'm done crafting non gold legendaries!)My paycheck deposits tonight and I'm going to get 80 packs (and hopefully open patches, if not craft him) and try out Pirate Rogue for the last 67ish wins I need on Rogue. I like Jade Rogue, and it can be really amazing when it draws right, but Rogue decks just aren't consistent enough with the lack of comeback mechanics (taunt, heal, board clear)
My paycheck deposits tonight and I'm going to get 80 packs
So I have been dicking around a bit with this game and ever since hearthstone came out I haven't spent a dime on it, but as more and more xpacs come out it really starts to feel like you are complete fucked if you aren't dropping cash. I have made a couple of decks up to around rank 15ish with mostly classic cards and due to the power creep I cant get around all of these nonstop jade druids and face pirate warriors. I feel like I can set my deck up to counter one or the other but not both.
Even so I enjoy dicking around with the tavern brawl once a week and the occasional arena run. On that note, I have to say the last couple of arenas I have done I have drafted what feel like pretty good decks and then just get smashed by insane counters even at 0-0 and 0-1.
so.. this week's tavern brawl has been pretty fun for me. I keep dicking around with a jade deathrattle rogue. I think it's the mtg player in me, but the INSANE value of getting 3 jade golems out of an aya blackpaw, and copying her deathrattle with raptor, etc.. is just so satisfying. I've actually lost some games almost on purpose because I just wanted to keep doing ridiculous things.
I was originally running n'zoth, but the games never go long enough that you need the value from nzoth. Also, I trimmed a lot of the removal from rogue, as answering opponents threats with removal is generally a losing proposition, you'd rather just focus on doing your own broken things.
What Dragon Priest are you running Origin?
I tried Pirate Warrior just to get a feel for it. Crazy deck and kinda fun but I only played a handful of games.
Playing a Beast centric Hunter now. All beasts and not a lot of buff cards. Really good so far but I'm only 4 games in hah.
I'll have to try more Reno decks. Any suggestions?
As for Reno decks, every pro-streamer is basically saying that current Renolock is incredibly powerful, if not the best deck in the game atm.
Guess it's time to bust out Anyfin again.
Tech in Felfire Potion and Kabal Chemist.