How's white eyes working for you?
I think that he's OP in a N'Zoth shaman deck, especially if it's one of the slower ones that runs
Ancestral Spirit. In this deck, he's ok. Generally he doesn't survive the turn as he's perceived as a major threat, well and he's a taunt minion so if there's shit on the board it has to go through him. Either way, it's a good card. I think it's well statted for 5 mana and, in the current meta, any taunts are good. Obviously the
Thing From Below shits on it and the situational 3 mana 4/5 taunt (
Second Rate Bruiser) might actually be better, since you won't get to summon the 10/10 in most games. If you do though, shit is dope.
Be ready for the aggro shaman, Reynad is streaming an aggro shaman that he is top 5 legend na w/ and climbing eu. Played 3 games with it so far and absolutely destroyed 3 different decks. On his stream now, I'll post it later.
Shaman - Deckbuilder - HearthPwn
Wow, if you haven't played a pirate yet and have a flametongue and southsea deckhand with a weapon equipped its just insane value as patches will enter to the right with proper placement and with the ss deckhand charge, its just disgusting.
I see that a lot of the streamers have been praising this deck. I've been debating about trying it, but i'm missing some cards that i don't want to craft. I just think the whole direction is pretty aids. I feel dirty enough playing the midrange shell, much less this. Also, as good as this kind of deck is for grinding, it is fucking boring to pilot.
Nice deck. I subbed out white eyes(don't have) and one of the jinyus. Got wrecked by control warr but won the other 3 games so far.
If you find that you need a taunt equivalent, run
Second Rate Bruiser. I think it might even be better and you can run two of them.
Ladder is such a shithole of agro, I'm not even winning with Dragon Priest. The decks are just so fucking fast, turn 4 games should not be the norm in Hearthstone
Edit: I guess I just need to slant really hard against agro
I ended up going 21:16 with my dragon priest (ranks 15 through rank 8ish), but i think i was lucky to have done that well. I think there's a lot of shit that it doesn't match up well against, especially some of these hyper aggro decks. Also, it's generally not fast enough against Reno decks, so it gets wrecked there. It's good against other midrange decks, which there aren't enough of. I was going to test another build that includes
Divine Spirit and
Inner Fire as a potential surprise finisher. It can synergize well with a
Twilight Guardian and basically any high health minion.