Wow, got to rank 5...then lost 13 games in a row. Ouch. All because I have refused to play anything with patches...I might stop that policy now.
Wow, got to rank 5...then lost 13 games in a row. Ouch. All because I have refused to play anything with patches...I might stop that policy now.
39 wins from golden Rogue and it's so painful. I'm really not looking that forward to Priest either
I dunno was playing murloc paladin OTK for the same reason, but if they get lucky with Kazakas and get the poly the board potion you can't win. I imagine it's the same thing with N'Zoth paladin.After losing to like 10 renolocks, whom apparently never have reno in their bottom 15 cards I said screw it and switched to that control pally list I posted a few days ago, only to beat renolock if nothing else. And in typical blizzard fashion I think played 5 aggro shaman in a row barely losing each one, but that next game was a renolock and I got my revenge. That deck crushes renolock.
Post the deck list. Is it the standard WOTG list or have you added shit from MSG? I've wanted to create one, but i'm missing Hallazeal and a bunch of the epic cards.
I'm trying the deck below with -1 Fan -1 SI +2 Questing and it feels pretty good on ladder atm. I hate the Miracle play style, so having the Questings and Van'Cleef feels like it's way more consistent to me. Especially because I'll end up with a hand that has 4 coins and 2 preps with 10 cards left in my deck and never have drawn a Gadgetzan. Van'Cleef and Questing win me pretty much all the games, and Gadgetzan wins me almost none of them.
Reworked Miracle Rogue Guide by Guukboii - Sector One
Hmmm...thats a good point. He did get double potion, 1 summon an 8/8, and the other summon 3 minions that died, so no polymorph potion. Not sure it would have mattered though, he nethered my n'zoth board away at the very end, his last aoe removal so I would have whittled him down with 1/1's if nothing else. The ashbringer was inconsequential because he was still dead when I made 5 7/7 dopplegangsters the following turn. So I had a lot of resources left while he had none, not sure if polymorph potion would have made up the difference.I dunno was playing murloc paladin OTK for the same reason, but if they get lucky with Kazakas and get the poly the board potion you can't win. I imagine it's the same thing with N'Zoth paladin.