Yeah, no, just the fact he has 5 attack means your opponent pretty much has to remove him each turn he's alive or you're going to get a value trade or at least 5 damage to their face. May not seem like much to remove him once or twice, but eventually your opponent runs out of ways to deal with it efficiently all while you're reviving him with cards you'd already be using anyway. The new miracle rogue deck has way more than 30 "cards" when you think about it. Just don't forget to trade first if your opponent leaves him up before using cards if you're planning on reviving him. Only problem is when you don't get him in that early to mid game, of course he's pretty useless if you've already burned through most of your deck.
Edit - To anyone thinking of crafting sherazin, I don't think he's absolutely necessary because I think you can run a more aggressive miracle rogue with leeroy instead and be fine, but this eloise version w/ sherazin is much more about control and less bursty. I don't regret crafting him, but if you have a lot of different things you'd like to play with still that need crafting you can still play the miracle rogue archtype without him.