Enternium rover would go into any deck, but with warrior is just that much stronger. A 1/3 for 1 that gives you armor when it takes damage. That is a solid way to slow down the fast decks until you are ready.The Warrior Mech deck is getting better and better.
The hunter cards look good but not sure if they will be fast enough to deal with all the armor that the warrior will gain.
Boomship adds an alternate way to gain rush for the three mechs you just discovered. The Warrior mech deck is pretty much building itself at this point.
Eureka will see play due to it making a copy.
Gloop sprayer could get interesting as long as two creatures stay on board.
Mechanical whelp will suck to play if you have no way of preventing the priest from taking it. a 9/9 for six would not seem all that great until you factor in magnetism. The new creature would then also get Deathrattle create a 7/7 and you get a 7/7....I think.
Crystology might be good.
The rover is the best card in a deck that was already getting powerful.
Welcome to the new age of mech warrior.
Enternium is an excellent 1 drop which warrior has NEVER had before. Only other Warrior 1 drops are Town Crier & Animated Berserker. Both cards that have seen niche play but not nearly as strong as this card - this having a Tribe, 1/3 stats, and a GREAT effect put it miles ahead of the other 2.
Only 4 Hunter cards shown so far and overall they seem tailor-made for more face/aggro decks. Firework Tech + Spider Bomb is going to be insane. Unfortunately the mana costs are reversed, you can't Spider Bomb THEN Tech unless you have coin, but it's still a great combo regardless. Cybertech Chip continues to improve as more good mechs are released, still maybe wont be good enough since doesnt do dmg.
Boommaster is... interesting. GREAT board PRESENCE card... but lackluster board CONTROL card. He lays 8 dmg on board, making opponent really consider using AoE or not, a hunter has a hard time proccing them himself though, no easy AoE buffs or triggers... but they are mechs you can buff up with other cards, add Cybertech Chip to them all, and trigger additional deathrattles for more face dmg. Could try stuff with Pyromancer, but probably too slow. Better to just use buffs on them. Good targets for Zilliax, Bonemare, etc. Will definitely be an interesting option for aggressive decks but we'll see if it truly works out. He also works in ODD hunter (whom wouldn't have Highmanes), so could really be a factor in Face Hunter... Preventing opponent from using AoE (or spending 8 health to use one) is actually very significant. I like the concept... might hate him sooner than later if cancer hunter is prevalent.
Boomship is crazy. Tempo Warrior has so much gas now between discovering 3 mechs, Dr Boom's hero power, this card, etc... It's not even control warrior, it looks super powerful to me, especially with the new 1 drop. Just constant rush cards taking board and then keep dropping randomly generated cards on the board non-stop. Luckily it's a Legendary... but in Dead Man's Hand (which doesn't even seem necessary), it could theoretically be infinite 1 mana Discover 3 + 9 mana play all 3.
I don't think Eureka is THAT good except for specific combos, maybe with Malygos. It requires ALL minions in your hand are 6+ mana to be worth, 6 mana is expensive to begin with, and it ignores battlecries which are typically the reason you play a card to begin with. It might see niche play but won't be that great.
Gloop is just bad - too expensive, no easy combo potential, probably only gets 1 copy at best. Cube + naturalize is a better combo if you're trying to dupe minions. Cube+Naturalize triggers deathrattles (Hadronox) and gives you 2 full statted minions back, removing any debuffs/silences etc. Gloop just copies the minion, doesn't remove debuffs or heals them back up, etc.
Mechanical whelp is going to be that bullshit card you see being Randomly generated and rushed at your shit. Hunter might get it from Cybertech chip but won't be as bad as warrior getting it. I can't see it intentionally making a list, but MAYBE warrior plays it simply because it's 9/9 rush almost guaranteed, which can be split up if necessary. (2 & 7).
Crystology looks good for a Lyanna / Stonehill Defender control paladin deck. Or just any paladin with Stonehills. Aggro decks don't really need it imo, since you have other cards to draw weenies.