Mech warrior brings back memories of old Control Warrior. At least the deck I'm playing.
It does well in the current Aggro meta..
Obviously it'll lose hard to OTK decks, but I've yet to face a Priest... I did face a Rogue that pulled out 4x malygos, but now I've tech'd in Harrison for that scenario.
TONS of removals and only a few big threats to close the game. Only 4 cards are 7+ mana.
This is my current deck:
Mech Warrior
So Witchwood Piper is a flex card. I mainly just wanted more draw but also wanted a decent body. She'll draw my 1 mana mech for armor, or if they've already been drawn then she's going to pull acolytes for even more draw. Drawing through deck to get removals is pretty important. And if you've already drawn those then you're going to get your rush cards that can help with board control. So imo she's a decent fit.
Mecha'Thun is the final threat to finish a game, which I haven't pulled off yet, but also had a couple misplays where he could have won me the game. If you know there is no more silence, you can just play mecha'thun as last card and hope your opponent can't silence or transform... Or if you want to trigger yourself, you can be in Dr Boom mode and rush him into a minion with 10+ attack... or if you need to trigger yourself, you need 3 cards in hand and have 10+ armor... Boomship, Thun, Shield Slam... use Boomship to pull Thun and then Shield Slam him.
Scourgelord Garrosh can be awkward but really is a powerhouse vs aggro decks. It makes control matches so awkward though. Usually you want to end as Dr Boom but if you draw Boom 1st then to play Mecha'Thun means having to be Garrosh eventually. Just awkward. Being Garrosh doesn't make Thun unplayable, it just removes the "Rush" option.
Due to having Garrosh in deck, I can easily see putting Gromm in this deck as another finisher.