They just revealed the rest of the cards, gonna have fun farming people wasting their time with a million mana cost dragons with pirate Warrior. It's a perfect mana curve with multiple free spells, literally every card other than the 1-drops (which replace themselves!) can either be cast for 0 mana or generates face damage when you play them. Turn 1 Sky Raider, play Parachute Brigand for free. Turn 2 Ritual Chopper, play Dread Corsair for free, hit face for 7. If your opponent holds the initial rush Galakrond comes down, drawing you something like 25 power worth of minions, (Scion of Ruin is three 7/6s with Rush if Galakrond draws it) alongside a free arcanite reaper and a +3 attack hero power.
Wild will be even funnier. Turn 1 N'zoth's First Mate, Patches, Parachute Brigand. Three minions and a weapon on turn 1.