

Shaman is one of the classes I've looked at the least. This is gaara's token shaman deck, looks like it was made to counter control warrior
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
As weird as it may sound I think frostwolf warlord is perfect for this deck because with beefy totems you're almost guaranteed 3/4 minions on the board at all times.

A more traditional one probably looks something like this:
Deck Builder - Hearthstone
If flametongue survives a turn you can leeroy+rockbiter+windfury for 22 damage. You can swap unbound elementals and/or a manatide totem for earthen ring farseers if you're seeing a lot of aggro and bgh/tbk for control. But like I said I haven't played shaman in awhile, just going off basically what I see.
Try a shaman deck running ancestral spirit with cairne, sylvanus, and earth elementals. Throw in some faceless manipulators and the lulz will be glorious.


Poet Warrior
So I figured I'd share my Druid deck.

Innervate x2
Worgen Infiltrator
Power of the Wild
Acidic Swamp Ooze x2
Knife Juggler
Sunfury Protector
Savage Roar
Harvest Golem x2
Swipe x2
Keeper of the Grove x2
Nourish x2
Druid of the Claw
Faceless Manipulator
Force of Nature
Cairne Bloodhoof
The Black Knight
Ancient of War x2
Ragnaros the Firelord

There it is. This deck has gotten me from 20 to 11 two seasons in a row.

I do not claim it to be perfect but I do claim it to be strong.

It is all premeditated. The Oozes and the Keeper's are there to stay. Swipe is too good. An early Claw is money. The late game of this deck is beatable by things such as Ysera but no one is perfect. This deck has so far served me far better than 'Generic Ramp or Watcher Druid'. Ancient Watcher is begging to be 2 for 1'nd.

My Druid is better than all other druids. That is now clear! ( =) )

an accordion_sl

so this dude adds me after a game... it proceeds to add like 75 of him, wtffff


won't let me remove either


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I figured I'd share my Druid deck.

Innervate x2
Worgen Infiltrator
Power of the Wild
Acidic Swamp Ooze x2
Knife Juggler
Sunfury Protector
Savage Roar
Harvest Golem x2
Swipe x2
Keeper of the Grove x2
Nourish x2
Druid of the Claw
Faceless Manipulator
Force of Nature
Cairne Bloodhoof
The Black Knight
Ancient of War x2
Ragnaros the Firelord

There it is. This deck has gotten me from 20 to 11 two seasons in a row.

I do not claim it to be perfect but I do claim it to be strong.

It is all premeditated. The Oozes and the Keeper's are there to stay. Swipe is too good. An early Claw is money. The late game of this deck is beatable by things such as Ysera but no one is perfect. This deck has so far served me far better than 'Generic Ramp or Watcher Druid'. Ancient Watcher is begging to be 2 for 1'nd.

My Druid is better than all other druids. That is now clear! ( =) )
Claw, but no second wrath? I'd drop claw for another wrath. An early claw can sometimes be money, but a late game claw will lose you the game, at least wrath can cycle itself and otherwise its 3 damage for 2 mana and not 3 damage for 3 mana and you don't have to take damage. Also with two nourish you don't find its often a dead card in your hand? I'd drop one and add in a 2nd druid of the claw. Hmm...just noticed no ancient of lore so I guess thats why you need nourish, but I'd find a place for a 2nd druid of the claw, card is too good to not run two of.


Trakanon Raider
1 nourish is usually enough. As Mures said, the 2nd wrath is pretty much mandatory in a Druid deck so I'd keep the claw but drop 1 nourish for that 2nd wrath. My other suggestion would be to drop the Worgen and knife juggler for 2 yetis. They are prime innervate targets because of how tough they are to deal with played on turn 1 or 2. Finally find room for the 2nd Druid of the claw (perhaps lose an ooze or a golem). Their shape-shift ability makes them extremely versatile.


Trakanon Raider
Right now my Druid deck looks like:

Innervate x2
Claw x1
Blood mage Thalnos x1
Mark of the wild x2
Wrath x2
Wild growth x2
Big game hunter x1
Healing touch x1
Keeper of the grove x2
Yeti x2
Swipe x2
Druid of the claw x2
Faceless manipulator x1
Starfall x1
Cairns Bloodhoof x1
The Black Knight x1
Ancient of Lore x2
Ancient of war x1
Ragnaros x1
Alexstaza x1
Censorious x1

I took a standard ramp Druid deck and tweaked it to better handle zoo. One combo that I saw a streamer using was to mark of the wild a high value enemy minion and black knight it or bgh it.

I mulligan for removal, inner ages and 4 drops. I also keep wild growths as the idea is to get late game stuff out early. Everything is a potential taunt with the e crept ion of Thalnos. I do ok against zoo decks and I absolutely shit on hunters. They can't handle it when you only play one minion at a time who functions as a beat stick and is taunted up to boot. Games against hunters usually are over because they run out of removal and I deny them card draw from buzzard plays. Highmane is also much less scary when he's has been facelessed, marked and then silenced.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Try a shaman deck running ancestral spirit with cairne, sylvanus, and earth elementals. Throw in some faceless manipulators and the lulz will be glorious.
The dream of cairne or sylvanas with ancestral spirit is so situational and too susceptible to silence. Earth elementals are pretty bad in current meta because they are susceptible to bgh, tbk, and sap; they would actually be a lot better if they were a 6/8 instead.


Poet Warrior
Claw, but no second wrath? I'd drop claw for another wrath. An early claw can sometimes be money, but a late game claw will lose you the game, at least wrath can cycle itself and otherwise its 3 damage for 2 mana and not 3 damage for 3 mana and you don't have to take damage. Also with two nourish you don't find its often a dead card in your hand? I'd drop one and add in a 2nd druid of the claw. Hmm...just noticed no ancient of lore so I guess thats why you need nourish, but I'd find a place for a 2nd druid of the claw, card is too good to not run two of.
Wrath is the better card than Claw, I think you're right about that. I find that if that Claw is in my opening hand I am able to get ahead (usually) and then stay there until the win. On paper Wrath is the better card but Claw has helped me so so much. You are right about it being a mostly dead draw in late game though so I think I'll take your advice and replace it with Wrath and see what happens. I don't really like Ancient of Lore all that much. I find Nourish serves me much better. More cards for less mana. Sure I don't get a dude on the board but I often don't need another non-taunting 5 health dude anyway. Whenever I play Ancient of Lore, I feel as though I lose ground on my opponent. Whenever my opponent plays Ancient of Lore, I feel good about it. War is so much better than Lore!

Druid of the Claw is a card I love but I just couldn't find room for a second one. Maybe I need to though, I agree.

Oh and I highly recommend Worgen Infiltrator to other Druids. Play it on turn one and let it sit there. Don't go to the face with it. Don't take it out of stealth for anything other than a great trade. I combo it with the Druid ability to kill Mana Wyrms, Northshire Clerics, and Raging Worgens or Amani Beserkers. Seriously, play the Infiltrator and just forget about it until you get a good trade. When you play it your opponent will think nothing. When you DON'T attack with it on the next turn, they lose their fucking minds! Especially Mages! It's glorious! Players will burn AoE spells to kill it. They will hold off one extra turn to play their Northshire Cleric or whatever and that extra turn, for a Druid... is money in the bank.


Poet Warrior
I swapped out Claw for Wrath, drew it in my opening hand, killed his Ooze with it, and then this was the progression...


This screenshot doubles as an example of why I like Nourish over Ancient of Lore.


Poet Warrior
Right now my Druid deck looks like:

Innervate x2
Claw x1
Blood mage Thalnos x1
Mark of the wild x2
Wrath x2
Wild growth x2
Big game hunter x1
Healing touch x1
Keeper of the grove x2
Yeti x2
Swipe x2
Druid of the claw x2
Faceless manipulator x1
Starfall x1
Cairns Bloodhoof x1
The Black Knight x1
Ancient of Lore x2
Ancient of war x1
Ragnaros x1
Alexstaza x1
Censorious x1

I took a standard ramp Druid deck and tweaked it to better handle zoo. One combo that I saw a streamer using was to mark of the wild a high value enemy minion and black knight it or bgh it.

I mulligan for removal, inner ages and 4 drops. I also keep wild growths as the idea is to get late game stuff out early. Everything is a potential taunt with the e crept ion of Thalnos. I do ok against zoo decks and I absolutely shit on hunters. They can't handle it when you only play one minion at a time who functions as a beat stick and is taunted up to boot. Games against hunters usually are over because they run out of removal and I deny them card draw from buzzard plays. Highmane is also much less scary when he's has been facelessed, marked and then silenced.
I just made this (I only have 1 Ancient of Lore so I swapped the second one out for another Ancient of War) and the very first thing it did was rope-a-dope the shit out of a Zoo-Lock.


<Silver Donator>
New naxx card is out, Rogue card. Seems pretty meh, on one hand it's a 5/5 for 4, on the other it can really fuck you up since it'll force return shit in your hand if it dies unexpectedly. I guess good for decks with a lot of combo shit where getting them back wouldn't hurt too much, like SI:7.

Fucking picture is huge.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The new rogue card is insane for the miracle rogue where the only things on their board are a loot hoarder or si agent, just replace the loot hoarders with engineers and then your opponent must also deal with the engineer before thinking about how to kill a 5/5 turn 4.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mean, it's basically a Yeti with +1 power and an ability that can be great but really restricts what deck it can go in. It's actually more vulnerable to priests than yeti but who cares about that :p Otherwise answers to Yeti are answers to this and people want yeti answers anyway


I primarily play Tempo Rogue with lots of battlecry cards and I run two Ancient Brewmasters (5/4 for 4 mana) to get them back. I could maybe see replacing one of the Brewmasters with this card, but the randomization is kinda meh. It could end up returning a Damaged Golem or the 2/1 Defias Bandit from a Defias Ringleader. Or your opponent could play around it and kill everything else first and you don't get to return anything.

Having one more health than the Ancient Brewmaster is nice though?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I mean, it's basically a Yeti with +1 power and an ability that can be great but really restricts what deck it can go in. It's actually more vulnerable to priests than yeti but who cares about that :p Otherwise answers to Yeti are answers to this and people want yeti answers anyway
Yeah, my point is it is a better yeti, which is already one of the most valuable cards, and its "downside" will more often than not be beneficial.

I primarily play Tempo Rogue with lots of battlecry cards and I run two Ancient Brewmasters (5/4 for 4 mana) to get them back. I could maybe see replacing one of the Brewmasters with this card, but the randomization is kinda meh. It could end up returning a Damaged Golem or the 2/1 Defias Bandit from a Defias Ringleader. Or your opponent could play around it and kill everything else first and you don't get to return anything.

Having one more health than the Ancient Brewmaster is nice though?
Even if it does take back a damaged golem or bandit not only would it still be way worth, but I'm not even sure that it would be a bad thing as it also gives you another 1 mana card for other combos.