

Golden Knight of the Realm
I read both of your articles. My brain hurts that you thought that first one was well written enough to quote your cause with. I do understand both your points of view though. My argument isn't that I expect players to all come with their own creations, mine is that you're a talentless fag if you bring, card for card, someone else's deck. It sucks that I have to play net deck after net deck in ranked mode, that doesn't mean I don't understand why they do it. I guess we agree to disagree here. I think you're lame faggots for playing other people's ideas and you think I'm a fat neckbeard for insisting on playing my own thing. Either way, game is fun and I'm still enjoying it
You can lead a scrub to water, but it doesn't mean they'll drink it, I guess.

Objectively speaking, there are good things and bad things about players with your attitude. On one hand, I'm glad that there are a lot of angry scrubs playing card games. They tilt and play badly for no logical reason. Makes winning easier. On the other hand, it's hard to have high level discussion when they're lurking around and seriously hamstring the competitive environment.

Like, take Hearthpwn for example. It could be a great website. It has robust deck making/sharing tools, arena draft simulators, tourney information, etc. Sadly though, it's managed by peeps that let scrub mentality run rampant, so every other fucking post there is "NERF LEEROY NOW FFFFUUUUU /NECKBEARD RAGE".


Lord Nagafen Raider
I read both of your articles. My brain hurts that you thought that first one was well written enough to quote your cause with. I do understand both your points of view though. My argument isn't that I expect players to all come with their own creations, mine is that you're a talentless fag if you bring, card for card, someone else's deck. It sucks that I have to play net deck after net deck in ranked mode, that doesn't mean I don't understand why they do it. I guess we agree to disagree here. I think you're lame faggots for playing other people's ideas and you think I'm a fat neckbeard for insisting on playing my own thing. Either way, game is fun and I'm still enjoying it
It sounds like deck making is the part of ccg's you enjoy most. Deck construction is just one part of the myriad of skills you have to have to get to high ranks in any competitive ccg. There are plenty of high level Magic players that never had a good original deck idea in their life, but they focus just on knowing how to play properly and using other people's good construction ideas to compensate. Saying people are talentless for copying decks is like saying people are talentless for copying play strategies, which anyone who's ever asked for advice or looked at a newbie guide to anything has done. You can argue that those are completely different, but they're not. There's strategy and concepts involved in deck building, and there's strategies and concepts involved in playing a deck. People borrow heavily from other people for both pretty much constantly, sometimes wholly.


Vyemm Raider
Some decks are just good, and that's why they're out on the net. I remember when Handlock was basically created by Sylas. pure genius: when you tap on turn 2 and 3, you can play a mountain giant on turn 4? revolutionary at the time. when you get low on health you can drop free molten giants and then give them taunt? why, that's like healing for 16! The deck had its faults (it was littered with +spellpower minions) but the basic concept was new and exciting and had room for improvement. Warrior wombo-combo deck with the old warsong commander/alextrasza OTK? same deal - razor came up with a novel new concept, and it was tested and tinkered with until it was nearly perfect for that archtype. The problem is that you missed out on all of those phases Frenzic, you are coming in at a time when all of the experimentation has already been done with such a small pool of cards. There are no new concepts or archtypes until either a nerf/buff patch or naxx releases. That crazy new homebrew idea you are playing? It's been done. it's not new. You are playing a deck with a couple of cards switched out that other people played, tested, and figured out what works and what doesn't already.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It sounds like deck making is the part of ccg's you enjoy most. Deck construction is just one part of the myriad of skills you have to have to get to high ranks in any competitive ccg. There are plenty of high level Magic players that never had a good original deck idea in their life, but they focus just on knowing how to play properly and using other people's good construction ideas to compensate. Saying people are talentless for copying decks is like saying people are talentless for copying play strategies, which anyone who's ever asked for advice or looked at a newbie guide to anything has done. You can argue that those are completely different, but they're not. There's strategy and concepts involved in deck building, and there's strategies and concepts involved in playing a deck. People borrow heavily from other people for both pretty much constantly, sometimes wholly.
I agree with you on almost every point, well said. I still think they are talentless though because they net deck and are still losing to me, thus they can't craft or play well


Unelected Mod
You started all this by whining about losing to netdecks. The idea you are somehow better than them is hilarious.


Trakanon Raider
Man, this thread isn't big enough for your ego...

With that being said, and just for curiosity's sake, go ahead and post your deck. If you get laughed at it's all because we've been there before and, probably, had the same thought as to why we thought a card was really good when, in reality, it's complete crap. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two when we critique it.

Addressing point that you made is how last season you ranked up to 10 in no time flat. Just so you're aware that the way season's work it's very easy for bad players or people with limited card pools to rank up high during the end of the season. The "good" players have already ranked up and either hit Legend or stopped trying. That's one of the reason you see the top streamers play their Free To Play decks to Legend at the end of the season as opposed to the beginning. Competition is much less severe as opposed to the beginning of the season when the good players are on equal footing with the mediocre players, the bad players and those with limited card pools.


Poet Warrior
Hey guys I wanted to get your opinion on my new deck. I am pretty sure I've never seen this deck on the internet before so I figure it should rocket me straight to Legend by sometime this afternoon.



Lord Nagafen Raider
You started all this by whining about losing to netdecks. The idea you are somehow better than them is hilarious.
Not whining about losing to them, but about playing them. My win rate is still decent even though I own few cards. It's easy to claim that I suck because my opinion is different, doesn't make it true. I play with inferior decks for one reason. I don't yet own the cards to make a better one. I realize that the good players shoot to the top early in the season. I'm ranked 15 right now with my crap paladin deck. I'm not proud of it and certainly not going to brag about it. It's not easy playing with such a limited card pool against players that seem to have every card.

With that said- Everyday I earn more coins and get more cards. I only play about an hour a day on average so it's taking a while to get the packs and dust. Will take a screen shot of my deck and post.


Trakanon Raider
It might not be a netdeck but it's called "aggro pally"

Here are some links to netdecks which are also trying to do what you want to do. None of them are all that expensive either:

Blessing of Wisdom Paladin Deck

Hearthstone Aggro Rush Paladin Deck List Legend Rank

Again, this is why the netdecking argument is stupid. As others have said that most deck types have been figured out and they cycle in and out of the meta based on what is popular. So even though you came up with the deck on your own, it's nothing new and the deck has been around for awhile.

As to what I'd do is drop the Blood Knight for a second Equality. A second Divine Favor can be really good too (against Zoo Lock it's terrible but against Zoo Lock you're going to lose anyway so doesn't really matter). I'd also try and fit in two Argent Protectors but not really sure what I'd drop for them. The things I'd consider dropping would be the Dire Wolf and, possibly, the Worgens.

It goes without saying that Leeroy would fit in. As far as Legendary cards go, he's one of the best choices for a first craft since it takes a LOT of resources to play Control but almost all Aggro decks are significantly cheaper and almost all of them will fit Leeroy in without an issue.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Congrats on coming up with it yourself, if you legitimately did, but you're playing a deck archetype that's been established in the format since last season, and you're within a couple cards of being a direct copy of my version of it.


Trakanon Raider
The thing with Paladins is that any deck you make with them, another class can make a similar deck only better. If you want to play rush, Warlock or Hunter is the better way to go and both are cheap as fuck to make (yeah if you're just starting out you only have dust / cards enough for one real deck but these are VERY cheap decks).

Paladin is just a bad class right now and their Naxx card won't really help them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It might not be a netdeck but it's called "aggro pally"

Here are some links to netdecks which are also trying to do what you want to do. None of them are all that expensive either:

Blessing of Wisdom Paladin Deck

Hearthstone Aggro Rush Paladin Deck List Legend Rank

Again, this is why the netdecking argument is stupid. As others have said that most deck types have been figured out and they cycle in and out of the meta based on what is popular. So even though you came up with the deck on your own, it's nothing new and the deck has been around for awhile.

As to what I'd do is drop the Blood Knight for a second Equality. A second Divine Favor can be really good too (against Zoo Lock it's terrible but against Zoo Lock you're going to lose anyway so doesn't really matter). I'd also try and fit in two Argent Protectors but not really sure what I'd drop for them. The things I'd consider dropping would be the Dire Wolf and, possibly, the Worgens.

It goes without saying that Leeroy would fit in. As far as Legendary cards go, he's one of the best choices for a first craft since it takes a LOT of resources to play Control but almost all Aggro decks are significantly cheaper and almost all of them will fit Leeroy in without an issue.
Thank you for the advice. I'll see how a couple swaps help out. I would love to have Leeroy as you say, it would be perfect for my deck.

Congrats on coming up with it yourself, if you legitimately did, but you're playing a deck archetype that's been established in the format since last season, and you're within a couple cards of being a direct copy of my version of it.
Thanks. I'm glad that I'm close to yours, that tells me I'm on the right track.

I find it funny that you're using a bad deck and think you're original in making or using it. You're rank 15 because you're using a bad deck, not because you don't have cards.

Hearthstone Aggro Rush Paladin Deck List Legend Rank

Edit: lol, you just got raped by like 4 people. Also, the deck is bad because it's inconsistent as fuck.
Yes I'm inconsistent and I'd like to work on fixing that. I don't think it's a bad deck for what I have though. The deck you linked is far out of my reach atm. You say using a bad deck not because I don't have cards then link to a deck that's far outside my range of cards /boggle


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pally aggro with redemption was lots of fun before the secret nerf. I miss that deck.