

Vyemm Raider
I drafted Deathwing the other day because it was like 29th card or so, and I figured, eh, if I'm losing, I could use it as a hailmary. It won me one game like that, guy was chipping at me, then he must have gotten impatient and dropped his entire hand of minions to overwhelm me or some shit, and I deathwinged everything and killed him in 3turns. 4 other games though he sat in my hand doing nothing, but I kinda liked knowing that I still had a potential last resort card. One game I played him as I was losing and it got sheeped so whatever, would have died 2turns later anyway, was against a mage and was already at 8health left with a bunch of 6+mana shit on the board and he still had a bunch of cards in his hand.
Your Deathwing drafting experience went nearly exactly like mine. lost one because I was already way behind and it got sheeped, so no biggy, no card would have really helped there. Another game, they dump their hand, I go for the face with the 2-3 minions I had on the board then drop him and win the game. Another, we're both topdecking and he wins me the game just as a solid creature for that turn. Then I think like 2 games I didn't even draw him.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Giant bombs that must be answered or your opponent loses are generally pretty good in limited...


Avatar of War Slayer
i was just using deathwing as an example, as well. insert any high mana cost card. and there are of course other ways to get high level cards fast. Or massive buffs.

Tried arena. got obliterated. Not sure I like it. I knew my decks going in were complete shit. It felt like I got sandbagged before I even started, during draft. and great, now I have to waste however long it takes to lose 3 games..


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Has anyone else gotten a HTTP Status 403 when trying to create a Beta account? Blizzards customer support is less than helpful and I am about to say fuck it and never try to play this game. If this has been answered previously, I apologize.
Are you sure you're not on some scam website? All you have to do is add the key to your existing battle.net account.


Trakanon Raider
I am having trouble creating a beta profile through battlenet. I submitted a ticket through Blizzard and they have no idea what is wrong.


Trakanon Raider
Finally managed to get a 9 win streak in arena. Received 225 gold and 2 packs as the payout, and one of the packs had the Gruul legendary. Not sure if it was just luck or high arena win packs have better cards. I played paladin, and had a really strong card selection. At least 3 of my games were won mostly thanks to Ysera. That card is so strong if the enemy doesn't remove it instantly. Even if they do take it out on the next turn, you still get a dream card anyway. Now I'm tempted to save up 1600 dust to craft it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Does anyone actually useNaturalizethough? I always pass it up in arena and can't imagine choosing it for constructed. Giving your opponent two cards just sounds terrible.
one of druids weaknesses seems to be a direct answer to those deathwings, 18/7 enraged trolls, etc. Naturalize bypasses taunt, "dealing damage", hp, etc. Starfall and starfire are deal 5 damage. and 5/6 mana costs. naturalize is one.
neutrals, like big game hunter, cobra, etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is there any reason I shouldn't open boosters as I earn them? I was talking this over with a buddy and we couldn't think of any reason not to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not unless you just enjoy opening a lot at one time.

Yeah, Ysera is certainly one of the best legendaries. That or ragnaros should be the first legendary you create.


Does anyone actually useNaturalizethough? I always pass it up in arena and can't imagine choosing it for constructed. Giving your opponent two cards just sounds terrible.
I would never draft it, unless the other two cards were absolute garbage. Arena is slow, so card advantage trumps tempo.

For a constructed deck, where your opponent is much more likely to throw out a massive game winning creature that druid can't otherwise deal with, it can be worth including as a single. Never cast it unless it gives you the win or you have to cast it not to lose.

I could see playing two in an aggro druid deck, if that's viable at some point. Giving your opponent two cards isn't too bad if you have your opponent struggling for mana to cast enough defensive shit anyway, and the low mana cost would actually be useful then.


Trakanon Raider
I got a Beta invite for this, but don't really have interest (all my eggs in the HEX basket). I was debating what to do with it, was thinking of offering it up for trade but couldn't think of anything I really want right now. The only thing I could think of was "maybe if someone wants to trade it for a star citizen ship I don't have? " blame that thread for reminding me. But I'm open to whatever, just shoof me a pm. And if you've helped me with a question or something via pm before, a couple of you have, it's yours free, just hit me up!

Apparently, I'm only excited for games that don't exist yet! HEX and Star Citizen :p


I am done with Arena until Priests get some heavy nerfs. Played 4 entrances today, went 5/3, 4/3, 7/3, and 3/3. I recorded what I played against. 31 Games. 16 Priests. 5 Paladins. 4 Mages. 4 Druids. 1 Shaman. 1 Hunter.


Avatar of War Slayer
I really am not seeing what people like about the arena. swapped back to play, to build gold, do "level 10 everyone" quests. was a much more enjoyable experience.

The game in general just makes me want to play a polished MTG like I think I already stated. But arena is the worst for this. Since draft is not even "heres 90 cards, pick 30", but instead 3 at a time. it kills so much of the tactical choices in building a deck any CG should have. Its reduced the game to blackjack, where you are just going lowest common denominator, of "draw a card", raw stats, and charge/taunt. All the fun interactions are just traps, since you don't know what other cards you will random. you are almost always better of just taking a raw numbers minion, reducing card choice to a point weight system.
Taking what is already a simple tactical CG, and making it LESS tactical in the arena, I just don't get. There is a enough randomness in the deck shuffle.
Draft vs constructed. yeah. I get that. Draft can and should be fun. but the way draft is done here feels like complete ass to me.

The ranked/unranked thing in "play" is one of the worst UI elements I have ever seen.


Just think of arena as sealed, rather than draft. It's much more similar to that, given that there is no interaction with other players during the "draft", and there's a lot more RNG involved.

I would love to see a more MTG-like draft too, but at least the format they have chosen allows you to play your games whenever you want, which is a positive thing for a casual CCG.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Got my beta key last night but seem to be plagued with the same problem many are having on the forums. Box never opens when I click play, so cannot do tutorial, so have no cards. There's the Options -> Cinematic workaround, but without cards it is kind of useless


Lord Nagafen Raider
I encountered a bug this morning when I started a match in Practice. After setting it up and clicking start, the loading bar came up and it went into an infinite loop. The loading bar would fill, then it would clear the bar and do it again, over and over.

Is this the same behavior you guys are talking about?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Game is just laggy as shit lately after the last rounds of invites went out. It'll error out after a while and you can try again, or just wait and play later.
I am done with Arena until Priests get some heavy nerfs. Played 4 entrances today, went 5/3, 4/3, 7/3, and 3/3. I recorded what I played against. 31 Games. 16 Priests. 5 Paladins. 4 Mages. 4 Druids. 1 Shaman. 1 Hunter.
I have now 100 arena games

24x Mage
15x Priests
15x Druids
13x Paladin
10x Shaman
7x Warlock
6x Hunter
6x Rogue
4x Warrior

I hate priests so fucking much. They are just incredibly frustrating to play against. Northshire cleric turn one, then you play your only two drop with 3 attack, it gets swp in the face every fucking game. I don't even hate mc much, you can sort of play around it because you know it's coming but they have several bullshit cards that every priest seems to get every fucking draft.


Avatar of War Slayer
I encountered a bug this morning when I started a match in Practice. After setting it up and clicking start, the loading bar came up and it went into an infinite loop. The loading bar would fill, then it would clear the bar and do it again, over and over.

Is this the same behavior you guys are talking about?
no. From what I can tell, when they start the game, the tutorial does not load. the game goes right to the "click to start", with the art of the board closed. Before you even get into the game itself. the friends list is there, the options menu.

They can click on options, credits. and view the credits. which then dumps then into the game select. with play/practice options available. However, since they never completed the tutorial. They have no deck to play with in either.