Why Blessing of Might? Abusive Sergent seems better imoInteresting analysis at the end of this StrifeCro video: Control > Aggro > Midrange > Control. Versus Magic, where you want to be a little bigger or a lot smaller than your opponent. In Hearthstone, you want to be faster or a lot slower.
The deck itself is pretty cool too. Dragon Pally, but more of a tempo deck without the big dragons and no heals.
Blessing of Might is persistent vs Abusive (~13 minutes in video). He's often trying to race faster decks down, so Might on a shielded minion (Minibot or through Coghammer) requires either a silence or two minions to burn.Why Blessing of Might? Abusive Sergent seems better imo
Suggestions for a Mal'ganis replacement?My demon deck I posted yesterday is tearing it up in this meta, seeing lots of hunter, spell and/or mech mage, grim patron warrior, and zoo and it's doing really well against those. It can struggle against control though.
So you hate balanced metagames?I hate metas like that because I know all the zoos are losing to those hunters and all those hunters are losing to whatever is above keeping them down, probably warriors or druids, which are MEH against zoo.
Thanks man, I'll have to craft some wild pyromancers. Takes fucking forever though, and once i get around to crafting something cool it always seems to such against the new meta. Ah well