Yeah, I've never bought any cosmetic option in a game and won't be starting now. Just beat an Alleria hunter and it felt good.
On another note (to beat a dead horse), the current meta and difference from hero to hero is incredibly frustrating. It is easy to rank up playing Warlock, Hunter, or Warrior, but god forbid you want to play priest, shaman, or druid. The change in difficulty is night and day. I ranked up from 16 to 8 in 3 days of playing mostly Zoo. Today I had daily quest for Druid or Hunter. Hunter would have been the easy choice, but I'm trying to level up other classes besides Hunter, Warlock, and Mage.
Ended up going 3-10 playing first a midrange druid deck, then a ramp deck. Dropped my rank from 8 to 10. (Kind of regretting crafting Cenarius a couple weeks ago - think I should have gone Jaraxxus, Geddon, or Van Cleef.) This difference between the success rates of different decks is extremely frustrating to me. I don't like being pigeon-holed into a handful of decks in order to be competitive. This is my main issue with the game at the moment, and if my frustration continues to grow, will be the issue that stops me from playing regularly.