I've also been toying around with that idea. Most people tend to use a lot of card draw and sit with hands of 5 or more cards. Using saps, vanishes, and the like seem like a good way for him to go over the limit and burn quite a few cards if you keep the pressure on.
The only problems seem to be is being able to maintain board presence early in order to get to the more mana intensive combos with vanish and the kidnapper later on in the game. Southsea Deckhand, Leper Gnomes, and the like are pretty good answers but it's sometimes hard to determine if removal or low cost minions are the way to go. I've even tried the Coldlight Oracle a couple of times to see if that exacerbated the card burn I was trying to go for, but vanish works both ways so I was having the same problem of card burn as my opponent was.
I'm already at 3 star masters so most of my hearthstone time is dicking around with classes I like trying to make atypical decks that have a decent win percentage. Gonna work on it later on tonight. Currently typing this from 37,000 feet enjoying a couple of Heinekens on my way home to Phoenix.