

Trakanon Raider
I'm not so sure, Jaraxxus text says:
Destroy your hero, and replace him with Lord Jaraxxus.

I'm not sure Jaraxxus is a hero at all. So Icehowl might be able to attack him.

It could go either way though, probably will have to wait and see to know for sure.
Just because you destroy your hero, doesn't mean you aren't replacing it with another... Trust me, Jaraxxus is a hero, otherwise you could Imp-losion him and Slam him and crap like that. He is a Demon Minion on the Battlefield and a Demon Hero when he replaces your Hero. It's pretty straightforward logic.


Still a Music Elitist
I must suck with Patron Warrior. I don't get it. I feel like I rarely have answers for anything in my hand. The deck is almost always playing catch up. You just require way too many of the right cards to have win conditions. So many games I find myself with two Inner Rages, a Battle Cry, and a Loot Hoarder.

I'm thinking about replacing the Loot Hoarder with Gnomish Inventor. At least then a minion has enough health to have Battle Cry work. Fuck the one health.

MalyLock is the only deck in the current meta (that I have the cards to build) that I like.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Gnomish Inventor is typically what Patron deck runs anyway, definitely swap it. It's considered a hard deck to play. Sometimes you get the bad draws. It's very matchup dependent on how you should play.

Sometimes you need to pressure early and fast, other times you hoard and wait for the big payoff turn.

Against control I believe you typically need to hoard because your patrons & warsong can be too easily cleared but against aggro you can drop them earlier. There's even more depth which I don't have full knowledge of, but for example:

Against Druid you can throw down patrons earlier in most cases because they lack good clears and Swipe actually benefits you.
Against Control Warrior you only need to worry about Brawl otherwise you can load up the board easily, too. Consider dropping Patron without Warsong to bait out Brawl.
Handlocks have a bunch of 3+ damage board clears so you need to be more careful, in fact Handlock is probably the toughest matchup.
Looks kinda interesting. I think it's probably good enough. Might be tough to play a 9 drop that only indirectly wins the game for you.

wonder if that thing can hit face with Mogor the Ogre on board, the one who gives every minion a 50% chance to hit something else even past taunts


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
well this sucks, I logged out of EU and now the launcher wont let me log back in

EDIT nm, launching hearthstone.exe worked.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I must suck with Patron Warrior. I don't get it. I feel like I rarely have answers for anything in my hand. The deck is almost always playing catch up. You just require way too many of the right cards to have win conditions. So many games I find myself with two Inner Rages, a Battle Cry, and a Loot Hoarder.

I'm thinking about replacing the Loot Hoarder with Gnomish Inventor. At least then a minion has enough health to have Battle Cry work. Fuck the one health.

MalyLock is the only deck in the current meta (that I have the cards to build) that I like.
You just need more practice, and a better list. Loot Hoarders haven't been in Patron for a month at least. This is Zalae's list. Waffster's list is -1 Fiery, -1 Shield Block, -1 Gnomish Inventor for 1 Cruel Taskmaster, 1 Harrison Jones, and +1 Unstable Ghoul



Lord Nagafen Raider
Did he go back to the Armosmith's? I checked his stream a couple nights ago and he had pulled them to add in Taskmasters instead for more direct control of the combos. Basically the list above -2 Armorsmiths, -1 Fiery win Axe, +1 Unstable Ghoul, +2 Cruel Taskmasters.

I haven't laddered with it yet but will when Midrange Hunter goes cold on me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I pulled them from a 3 week old power rankings article, so he has probably tinkered with something. I know Taskmasters were one of the first things pulled from the deck, so it's kind of funny to see them going back.

Cutting armorsmiths seems like a really specific meta call, maybe he's gearing heavily for mirror matches or something? I've won several games and seen streamers win several games on the back of getting an assload of armor from double armorsmith plays.


Lord Nagafen Raider
From what he said they were dead in a lot of matchups and did not directly affect the combo, where as Taskmasters directly impacted the combo. I'm with you I think they extend your life to get to the combo, I know I have personally lost games because of retarded amounts of armor game from my patron opponent (not this season though, Midrange Hunter shitting on Patron so far).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always thought it odd that they didn't give shaman any heal spells. Why no chain heal Blizz???? I'm surprised this thing doesn't have three overload and a random chance for 3-12 healing or some shit.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
that card is insane... 7-14 heal on Hero basically fucks aggro.
2x card = 6 mana for 28 healing? sign me up.