

Trakanon Raider
That's much stronger than Kezan Mystic. It's a very viable tech card.

With that said Secrets aren't going to be nearly as prevalent as before. Secret Paladin is going to be absolutely gutted by all of the cards rotating out. Even assuming they get some high quality replacements the loss of Avenge is huge by itself. Mages and Hunters won't be relying on Secrets nearly as much since Scientist is dead. For Mages playing a Secret at 3 mana can be awkward. Hunters simply don't have the card draw to dig for their secrets reliably.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like it but they should have nade that shit at the same time they released mc....now paladin is going away. I guess pretty cool against mage and hunter still, and makes up for loss of kezan. Seems better than kezan to me. Wonder if they are going to have new secrets in the set. I kinda hope not.


It would be an interesting card right now but I've no idea how useful it will be in the expansion of course. It's good anti freeze-mage but so was Kiz and it still couldn't really see much play in this meta when you lose big tempo against every non-secret class and deck. It'll either be great or completely ignored but I don't think we can tell which yet.

Hogger+ is decent though. He may well fit into some Warrior decks. Sandworm? Make it 5/8 with charge and the same effect and we could talk. Alternately, 8/8 windfury and can only attack face if no minions are in opponent's field or something. As is though it is just another hint at the upcoming BGH nerf I think. Too slow and too restricted to matter.

EDIT: Good point Famm. Kinda a shame that they are thinking about Wild though, I'd prefer to see it explode into madness.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Be interesting to see if there are any new secrets coming.

It's not far off from Kezan really on playability. Won't be played in a meta that doesn't have secret paladin. Kezan sucks vs Secret paladin but great vs any other secret class, the 4/3 minion and stealing the spell are much better than this card, however when you need to destroy 4+ secrets this card is clearly superior. No way this is run in Standard unless Paladin get something to replace Avenge.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
That's much stronger than Kezan Mystic. It's a very viable tech card.

With that said Secrets aren't going to be nearly as prevalent as before. Secret Paladin is going to be absolutely gutted by all of the cards rotating out. Even assuming they get some high quality replacements the loss of Avenge is huge by itself. Mages and Hunters won't be relying on Secrets nearly as much since Scientist is dead. For Mages playing a Secret at 3 mana can be awkward. Hunters simply don't have the card draw to dig for their secrets reliably.
No it's not. Kezan wins hunter and mage games.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Eater is much stronger against secret pally obviously, but I would say stealing a secret is stronger against freeze mage and hunter.

Curious to see how much Eater (and Whispers in general) affects Wild. Eating 4 secrets with that bad boy in response to a turn 6 challenger gives you a 6/8, 3 mana to work with, and you no longer have to play around noble sac to trade. The druid nerfs could potentially hit combo druid pretty hard too, so Wild might get shaken up pretty good for a while.

The Ancient_sl

Be interesting to see if there are any new secrets coming.

It's not far off from Kezan really on playability. Won't be played in a meta that doesn't have secret paladin. Kezan sucks vs Secret paladin but great vs any other secret class, the 4/3 minion and stealing the spell are much better than this card, however when you need to destroy 4+ secrets this card is clearly superior. No way this is run in Standard unless Paladin get something to replace Avenge.
Losing Avenge is not what is going to put a dent in secret paladin. Paladins as a whole may go bye-bye because of Mustard and Minibot, but losing Avenge is not nearly enough to take the wind out of MC's sails.


<Bronze Donator>
On a contested board, as in you're putting MC down by himself on turn 6, Avenge is often a downside because it practically guarantees a use for BGH in a deck that only has one other BGH target.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you're putting MC down solo you're probably already losing badly anyway. Secret paladin would be badly hurt just from losing avenge, even if it was keeping muster and minibot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Avenge is pretty much the most op secret, youre nuts if you think that doesnt hurt secret pally that much.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I dont think he is saying what you guys are saying while saying something different. The class in general is going back to the shit of hearthstone life.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dont think he is saying what you guys are saying while saying something different. The class in general is going back to the shit of hearthstone life.
but losing Avenge is not nearly enough to take the wind out of MC's sails.
On a contested board, as in you're putting MC down by himself on turn 6, Avenge is often a downside because it practically guarantees a use for BGH in a deck that only has one other BGH target.
Yeah pretty sure Famm and I knew what was being said.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Losing Avenge is not what is going to put a dent in secret paladin. Paladins as a whole may go bye-bye because of Mustard and Minibot, but losing Avenge is not nearly enough to take the wind out of MC's sails.
You still want to have an optimal number of secrets in your deck, usually 7-8, avenge is good enough to play it alone if you draw it early. You really can't replace avenge with repentance or eye for an eye and you probably don't want 2 MC with only 5-6 secrets. You need another OP secret that's viable to play turn 1 if necessary .


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol, no. I've won after getting my secrets flared. The difference between destroyed and stolen is monumental.