

Mr. Poopybutthole
I agree about Blade Flurry. That was first one that I thought was overdone. Rogues are really going to be hurting in the board clear department.

What about Hunter's Mark? Did that really need a change?

I think Leper Gnome will still see play in face decks. (If face decks are even viable.)
free hunter's mark is every bit as gay as free soulfire was.


Molten Core Raider
The severity of the Blade Flurry nerf is the biggest surprise to me, just having it not hit face would been enough, although Malygos rogue still will exist without it.

One omission kind of surprised me, it's that Mountain Giant wasn't touched. This basically means handlock is still a thing, turn 4 giant is also going to be way harder to answer now too. Molten giant is more of a plan-B in that deck so you won't be able to get freebies out when far behind anymore.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
New Brawl is entertaining at least, unlike most of them I play once and get a deck. Rockjaw Togg is fun, +2 attack each time your opponent uses the idol to get cards lol.


Molten Core Raider
RIP Rogues


Priest deck is fun but getting raped by Druids. So many druids.

And by the by, Druid rape could have been prevented had Reno not been inactive. Gonna ditch this extra shadow form.
Druid is all ramp now with all these fat taunters. Everyone else will have to run silences and TBK. With roar unchanged I can maybe see a tempo or midrange beast deck working too.
problem with ramp is that itneedscard draw to get you something to ramp with and they just nerfed one of the better options


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm good with most of the changes.

BGH going to 5 is kinda huge. Seeing 1 let alone 2 will yet to be seen.

Almost every class has better removal than BGH now. BGH still limited by 7+ attack whereas class cards can normally kill any minion for the same cost (or cheaper).

Molten change isn't as bad as I expected. Seems reasonable.

Force seemed to be the logical choice for nerfing combo and is pretty much what I had expected. Not sure if it'll ever see play, but in a token deck it's got a shot.

I'm disappointed in the owl nerf. Still seems too good and won't change much. But since so many aggro cards got hit, maybe it won't be as prevalent. Owl is still only best in an aggro deck.

Leper wasn't on my radar but makes sense.

I don't really agree with the Lore change. Sure he is in every Druid deck, but classes are allowed strong cards. Warrior always have Axe/Execute/Shield Slam yet those cards aren't touched at all. Druid card draw already sucks a lot so this hurts and doesn't make sense to me.

We all knew Juggler would get hit. Probably still sees some play still.

Arcane Golem was unexpected but on my "doubtful" list. Glad it was changed!

Master of Disguise was hinted at by others. Sucks but hopefully means some awesome future cards.

Hunter's Mark is whatever, I don't see it being necessary tbh.

Blade Flurry hit a bit too hard. Cost should stay 2 or 3 max.

Keeper I thought was allowed to be strong due to class card but okay... Opens up the 4 slot a bit more.

My predictions were kind of close:

My picks for cards to nerf:

Savage Roar (maybe) - Either this card or Force of Nature, but not both. I think this card survives... meaning Token Druid still ok.

Force of Nature (likely) - Probably loses charge, since charge is always problematic, to compensate maybe minions stay on board, but would need to be cheaper or stronger minions.

Big Game Hunter (likely) - I have no good suggestions, but this guy has to be dealt with. Maybe he does 8 damage to minions with 7+ attack instead, so still works on almost all the same shit except Divine Shields and health buffs would stop him. Also Deathwing lives.

Knife Juggler (maybe) - Such an OP 2-drop. Should be looked at.

Alexstrasza (doubtful) - Enables so many combo decks, would be nice if they nerf it, but I don't see it happening. (Added it since it was mentioned above and seemed like a decent idea to me).

Arcane Golem (doubtful) - Just a very annoying addition to the aggro decks. There's plenty of charge minions to target, but this one would be most likely to see a change imo. I still doubt it happens. There's still Wolfrider/Bluegill/Leeroy as neutral charge minions, but Arcane Golem is the best bang for the buck. You can see it in face hunter, aggro druid, aggro shaman and Warlock (with PO+Faceless).

Abusive Sergeant (doubtful) - Such a versatile 1 drop but it only sees play in aggro and some warlock. Probably doesn't get nerfed, but I wouldnt be surprised if it sees a small change.


Tranny Chaser
Ice Block not getting changed is surprising to me. That's a card I definitely would have tinkered with over something like Arcane Golem.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dunno. I think Ice Block is OK. It only exists in one type of deck and with Scientist going away it actually costs mana to play again. There's a few ways to play around it (although rare to completely negate it, fairly) and it clearly isn't driving Freeze mage to the tier S list or anything.

Edit: If anything, explosive and freeze traps are both far more ubiquitous and often the way to play around them is to just do nothing, which sucks. But again, scientist going away... will see if even hunter secrets still see play.


Molten Core Raider
I would be ok with them removing charge from the game completely...but barring that...Arcane Golem nerf is a start. I have no problem with Charge if I have the ability to respond, but thats a different game called MtG.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Priest deck is fun but getting raped by Druids. So many druids.

And by the by, Druid rape could have been prevented had Reno not been inactive. Gonna ditch this extra shadow form.
You are significantly weakening almost all of your matchups to try and improve a single unfavorable matchup, a matchup that will still be unfavorable even with that change. If you're running into a lot of druids, just play something else. Druid will always be heavily favored against Reno.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
New Brawl is entertaining at least, unlike most of them I play once and get a deck.
Its like too many portals, you can just as easily get stuck with jackshit and lose. Its entertaining in its way though. Good for xp'ing if you're into that sort of thing.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I like most of the changes.

Lore was heavy and I think they did that because it was always the locus of a loss to druid decks. If they got a Lore out, it was usually GG. I disagree about Keeper. Card has lost most of it's usefulness. Force is perfect now

BGH is back to niche card which is good. I think Molten was a bit much but not bad. Leper, Golem, and Juggler are good. Owl is still powerful but with the changes, aggro isn't in the best of shape.

BF was way too far. I guess they really have some power hiding in rogue right now(yeah right).

I really like no nerf to Alex, It works well with the decks I will be using for the next few months.