

Trakanon Raider
So which one of you lucky bastards opened a Golden Ancient of Lore, Golden Knife Juggler and Golden Leper Gnome for your season rewards? $$$


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not me, but I got my second golden unleash, and a golden forbidden healing which saves me from having to craft a second one.


Trakanon Raider
Not me, but I got my second golden unleash, and a golden forbidden healing which saves me from having to craft a second one.
Tried your Fatigue Warrior. It's fun, but you can get really screwed if you don't draw into any Bashes/Tournament Medics and/or your Justicar is on the bottom. But if you get a mix of all the right tools it's hilarious, they throw everything they have at you and it's never enough. Even had a Nzoth/Cthun Rogue do like 70 damage to me and summon Nzoth a grand total of 4 times and I just lul'd it away. I was having bad luck with it though after my first few games.


I'm calling it now. This is the meta of zoo andridiculously slow crafted specifically to do so control. I know, so brave!

Still, I think that tempo and midrange may well have new tools and be just fine *in any other meta* but are just going to get fucking ruined without the staples like belch and healbot. I may be wrong! Still, for now at least, zoo, evosham or cthsham/fake/evo/whateversham are all good, beast/nz/fake/whatever hunters are obscene, latewar is fantastic, token pally is disgusting and so on and so on.

My only complaint is that it is very, very coin-flippy as a whole. Pure zoo wins there though as you play all interchangeable cards. Not as much fun as renozoo or something but honestly, I think the sub 3 version is tops atm. Just chancing a no play turn one is too devastating to modern zoo.

My favorite deck to actually play so far though is Nozhunter by far. Mine is way not refined and I don't even think Noz should be **in** it but goddamned am I in love with the eight mana rape card. So good.


Trakanon Raider
I think they've managed a miracle where there are quite a few decks that are so fun to play, people will play them even though they aren't the best possible deck they can be playing and my hope is that this crates a healthier meta than usual.


I agree with Northerner's post above. Unfortunately to me, it appears competitive decks will be very fast or very slow. Everyone has their own preference - I'm ok with the super slow decks, but can't stand fucking aggro. It ruins my enjoyment of the game. Sat down to play some this morning and see token pally, zoo, and aggro shaman. With it being a new season now, aggro is going to be all over the place. I know it's too early to be all doom and gloom, but after enjoying messing around with new things last week (Nzoth rogue was my favorite new deck), I don't see myself doing much more than quests this week.


Well prepare to rage even more. Secret pally's will probably flood the ladder, at least today. Dog was playing a new version of it to great success earlier this morning.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tried your Fatigue Warrior. It's fun, but you can get really screwed if you don't draw into any Bashes/Tournament Medics and/or your Justicar is on the bottom. But if you get a mix of all the right tools it's hilarious, they throw everything they have at you and it's never enough. Even had a Nzoth/Cthun Rogue do like 70 damage to me and summon Nzoth a grand total of 4 times and I just lul'd it away. I was having bad luck with it though after my first few games.
Yeah you really have to aggressively mulligan for the right cards with this deck since it has no card draw. I wrote a guide for the deck on the competitivehs reddit.

Last minute legend with fatigue warrior : CompetitiveHS

The Ancient_sl

It's not a secret deck as much as it is a form of Pally Zoo. If it was a problem deck you'd tech in Blood Knight to wreck it, not Secret Eater.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah you really have to aggressively mulligan for the right cards with this deck since it has no card draw. I wrote a guide for the deck on the competitivehs reddit.

Last minute legend with fatigue warrior : CompetitiveHS
TLDR mulligan guide for each class? I'm not sure if I'm playing Doomsayer right. It's almost always a heal for 7 or more, which is still good. But I wonder if it's sometimes good to even play on an empty board just to fuck with their next turn? I haven't been able to use Harrison a single time in like 7 games. Once I had a chance to use him against Jaraxxus but then I would have lost the fatigue race (lost anyways). What should I sub in for him if I'm not getting any use out of him? Have you tried a Garrison Commander? Probably only get one use out of him tho I spose. I might try a Crazed Alchemist so I have more BGH targets. So many annoying minions just below 7 attack but with 7 health. Can also use it on a Tournament Medic as removal with 8 attack. Crazed Alchemist would have won me at least 2 or 3 of my losses. Hmm


what Suineg set it to
Right now it seems more that fast shaman hunter and lock decks are only able to lose if they make bad plays or get bad draws, I haven't had a 10-drop deck get close to winning a blowout victory.

I mean I've had to fight mostly C'thun and N'zoth decks and they sometimes get it off last turn but it's too late. Feel like losing Naxx and GvG has really removed a lot of value cards the longer archetype needed to stick around.


Mr. Poopybutthole
TLDR mulligan guide for each class? I'm not sure if I'm playing Doomsayer right. It's almost always a heal for 7 or more, which is still good. But I wonder if it's sometimes good to even play on an empty board just to fuck with their next turn? I haven't been able to use Harrison a single time in like 7 games. Once I had a chance to use him against Jaraxxus but then I would have lost the fatigue race (lost anyways). What should I sub in for him if I'm not getting any use out of him?
Mulligan for war axe, bash, and slam against everyone. Mulligan for brawl against shaman, warrior, warlock, rogue, and hunter. Mulligan for Justicar against warrior, priest, and paladin. Mulligan for revenge/ghoul against warlock and paladin, but don't keep 2 whirlwind effects in your opening hand.

If you really feel like you don't need Harrison, either pick something to help a different matchup you're having trouble with or just toss in a spellbreaker. This deck isn't beating Jaraxxus so don't bother trying to tech against him.


crazed alchemist is not a bad idea. In addition to setting up bgh/tournament medic, it also lets you snipe mana tide/flametongue totems through taunt, and sometimes flipping attack/health will bring something in range of removal.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Have been trying to make Yogg work and I think I finally cracked it. You don't need Yogg, but he's a plan B card when you don't see another way to win. I didn't have any Lock and Load, but due to the obvious synergy I crafted two of them. They are excellent hand fillers. King's Elekk is pretty much a guaranteed Emp or Yogg. One tick of Emperor is golden with LnL or even to get a Call of the Wild out one turn earlier. Eaglehorn Bow obviously rules with 9 traps in the deck.

I'm trying out the Snipe atm. I've played also with Dart Trap and it's actually pretty good. Other options are Misdirection or Quick Shot (but I've never had an empty hand yet).



Trakanon Raider
Yeah we all called it when we said Shaman was going to be stupidly OP with Old Gods. Right now that's the only thing I see being played. And honestly why would you play something else? Shaman is just way too good right now. It's retarded.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Plan B? That deck doesn't even have a Plan A.
We all appreciate your thorough analysis.

Just owned a Zoo and a Shaman deck without taking any damage. This deck can dominate from turn 1.
Had a close one against mid-range paladin, because his Tirion shut my final attack down and he was smart enough to not attack with him into the waiting Freeze Trap. So it was time for plan B. Yogg casting Mind Control on Tirion solved that problem.


what Suineg set it to
Yeah we all called it when we said Shaman was going to be stupidly OP with Old Gods. Right now that's the only thing I see being played. And honestly why would you play something else? Shaman is just way too good right now. It's retarded.
Since it's not everyman-favorite paladin we can assume the nerfs will be forthcoming rapidly.