

Had a Win 5 Tavern Brawls and Win 5 Warrior games set of quests, so I did Bolster + Training Dummy. Won five in a row, two against hunter Mech-leaper thing. Lost my first game to Mage running Fireball + Ice Block, though.


<Bronze Donator>
I do feel like this as well. I've had 180 gold for 9 wins way too many times since WoG. I even searched around reddit/forums etc to see if anyone had released some statistics and had noticed the difference. I've also gotten way more regular cards than normal, even at 6 wins, which is something they were supposed to have removed. I had an 11 run with only 280 gold and a golden common, but also another 11 that was 460 gold. So it's hard to tell. I wish since I started with decktracker I hadn't been too lazy to type in my gold numbers so I had some actual stats atm, but still not enough runs to know yet. Who knows.
This is some stuff I had from early 2014, like January through May



Mr. Poopybutthole
That awesome feeling when your opponent innervates out a turn 2 fandral, you smirk and drop doomsayer, then next turn he innervates a druid of the claw.

fuck this shitty game


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Nice, just opened my 5th legendary(shaman legendary) in about 80 wotog packs; stark contrast to tgt when I got 1 legendary in about 60 packs.
Ya I've got all the Old Gods and Huhunu whatever the fuck hunter legend out of about 65 packs. Feels pretty fair.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just had a mage get swipe, feral rage, and savage roar from yogg on top of shuffling 6 nerubians into my deck.

seems fair.


and now a priest who got forbidden healing from a shade.


Molten Core Raider
Just had a mage get swipe, feral rage, and savage roar from yogg on top of shuffling 6 nerubians into my deck.

seems fair.


and now a priest who got forbidden healing from a shade.
I was losing a game when I dropped Yog, I was 3 life against a full board with no cards, and Yogg cast Call of the Wild and Bloodlust twice, which won me the game. Sometimes there's no justice, but it is fun being on the undeserved winning side sometimes!


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I'm having Gavin's same luck tonight. Awful mulligans into dead hands. Other guy pulling out perfect curves. Dealing with smarmy faggots. Just a bad night.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow, so if you overdraw Beneath the grounds, your opponent doesn't spawn the 4/4. Unfuckingreal.


Anyone else getting destroyed by rogues pulling off perfect miracles? I played 5 of them so far and lost all 5, 3 were on my control paladin and 2 on aggro shaman. They can burst 18+ damage all day on top of keeping your minions cleared, and keeping theirs stealth.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kitkatz playing my fatigue warrior and everyone in stream asking for decklist. The road to e-fame begins boys!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Kitkatz playing my fatigue warrior and everyone in stream asking for decklist. The road to e-fame begins boys!
Heh, played vs. him an hour or so later (and beat him) - is there something non-kosher about saying hey we just played? He banned me from chat for saying basically that. (Didn't taunt about winning or anything - just "Hey cool, I played vs. a streamer - I was Vaclav from a min ago")


Mr. Poopybutthole
Have you considered becoming a pro player? You definitely putting in comparable hours to them.
I have pretty bad ADHD so it's easy to get bored of grinding. Last season was the first time I've actually hit legend, because every previous time I'd made a serious push, I'd start doing that back and forth win a couple, lose a couple, get bored of it, and say fuck it for the month. I mean maybe if I put in a couple consecutive top 25 finishes I could find a team to give me a shot, but it's not a super high priority for me.

I did manage to build the Team Flores deck for MTG state champs two years in a row without even having my own playtest circle, but a year and a half of MTG events made me realize how much I despise Magic players, and it wasn't just the smell. I don't think I'd like Hearthstone events any better.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
so I've been playing this game for like 2 years straight and this is by far the most dominate deck I've ever played. Most games I feel like there's just no way I can lose. Not sure what that says about this game but yeah wow. I know, only 50ish games so probably running good but still. r5 atm.

Hey, this deck has been tearing it up for me. Already rank 3 before mid-Season. Deck is great. Has enough burst from hand to win in tight situations, but it's really good at fighting for board control. I win against Shaman most of the time. Zoo is a little harder.

Rogue has been favorable unless you're stuck dropping Highmane into Sap.

The new tempo warrior with Varian and shit has been toughest match so far. They fight for board pretty hard too, making it more difficult.

I haven't played many N'Zoth paladins or C'Thun decks, could be a problem, not sure.

Sad to say that this deck usually wins before N'Zoth can be played. In fact I usually never even draw him. The 2x Call of the Wild has been rocking it.

Kodo has been great for destroying that 2/6 warrior taunt minion.

The grub is great for getting board control, hard to kill 5 health minion at 3 mana. Works well with Leokk or Houndmaster too.


I want to make some fun blood warriors decks. Did this one earlier and only lost to an nzoth paladin so far. Had a priest clear everything but nzoth last game.. blood warriors cast, priest concede!
