

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
4 mana is a lot different than 2 mana though.
2 drop minions it'll compete with:

Dire Wolf Alpha
Flame Juggler
Huge Toad
King's Elekk
Knife Juggler

None of these are sticky minions. Stickiness has proven to be a great attribute.
Deathrattles and Beast are the 2 main synergies with Hunter class now.

I just think having Beast AND Deathrattle make it really strong


Being a beast will definitely help for later combos, but a 1/1 still isn't trading into one any of those 2 drops. The likely scenario is that your opponent ignores it and goes face. In which case you'll have to buff it with an Abusive Sergeant or a Dire Wolf Alpha or something to take out the 2 drop and get the tempo advantage.

It's not an impossible scenario and it's easier to use than Twilight Summoner since it's a 2 drop. But I'm probably skeptical about it because I spent dust on Twilight Summoner early on, which was a really bad call.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Probably not. I don't think any Adventures have introduced new mechanics. Just not enough cards to do it right.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Being a beast will definitely help for later combos, but a 1/1 still isn't trading into one any of those 2 drops. The likely scenario is that your opponent ignores it and goes face. In which case you'll have to buff it with an Abusive Sergeant or a Dire Wolf Alpha or something to take out the 2 drop and get the tempo advantage.
All you have to look at is Haunted Creeper, which only the base was beast.

1/2 then 2x 1/1 non-beasts, 3/4 total stats for 2 mana.

This card is 4/3 total stats and everything is a beast. I mean... Haunted Creeper was a neutral so was even more OP but was used mostly in Hunter anyway... this card has to see play imo.


All you have to look at is Haunted Creeper, which only the base was beast.

1/2 then 2x 1/1 non-beasts, 3/4 total stats for 2 mana.

This card is 4/3 total stats and everything is a beast. I mean... Haunted Creeper was a neutral so was even more OP but was used mostly in Hunter anyway... this card has to see play imo.
That's true, Haunted Creeper is a better card to compare Kindly Grandmother. The card was OP because you could combo the 1/1 spiders with a Dire Wolf Alpha for two minions with 2 attack. Interestingly, Kindly Grandmother's 3/2 will have 4 power with a Dire Wolf Alpha, but (probably?) isn't OP because it's only one minion so you can't abuse it for huge tempo swings like you could with Haunted Creeper.

You're right, it'll probably see play.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bah, rank 2 5 stars and never connected to a game. Closed hearthstone and reopened a couple of times and says You were reconnected to your last game. Resuming...and its been doing that for 5-10m now. What kind of sorcery is this?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had that happen to me once, might have been because of maintenance? I can't remember exactly. Or I fixed it by loading the game on a different device. It was weird.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I've had it happen before, but never for so long and it will say my opponent disconnected or my opponent won't be doing anything when I get in game. It finally put us in the game, still was able to mulligan and everything so I guess it just took a good 10m for my opponent to connect and thats ok! At least I beat the son'bitch.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Reading some of the Reddit posts makes me think Barnes is going to be way too crazy... watch him never see play. lol.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Portals Everywhere: This party is so intense, it's warping the very fabric of space and time to bring in more guests! Use the new portal spell cards to unleash the magic and summon random minions to the field.
please please please let this be limited to the PvE shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Blizzard dev 1: People are too happy about GvG being gone

Blizzard dev 2: These miserable plebs dare impugn the magnificence of our game design?!?

Blizzard dev 3: I know, lets bring RNG back in a big way, but make it even worse!!!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Summoning a random minion of X cost seems way better than Unstable Portal ever was. Faceless Summoner or whatever for example is relatively fine. Shredder was a problem because the stats were insanely good for the cost and it was a deathrattle random-summon.

Edit: This might be the adventure where I stop buying anything for Hearthstone. I was all excited about Whispers and preordered and just feel disappointed. All the decks I want to mess with for fun require too many epics or legendaries I don't have. With the sets rotating now I just don't think I'm ever going to keep up anymore.


<Bronze Donator>
Probably not. I don't think any Adventures have introduced new mechanics. Just not enough cards to do it right.
Discover! Best mechanic to boot.

Edit: This might be the adventure where I stop buying anything for Hearthstone. I was all excited about Whispers and preordered and just feel disappointed. All the decks I want to mess with for fun require too many epics or legendaries I don't have. With the sets rotating now I just don't think I'm ever going to keep up anymore.
I don't understand. Sets rotating out helps you keep up with less time/money investment. I've been pretty busy with work but I've been able to get all the competitive cards from WoG with a preorder 50 pack and some playing here and there. But Hearthstone is pretty much all I've been playing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Its really not bad if you just keep up with your dailies. Haven't spent cash since naxx(and that was only for two wings) and before that I didn't spend as much as most, spent around $80 total on the game since launch, not bad for how much I've played it.

Adventures are particularly easier to get into than expansions too, brm I had 700g going in so I was able to buy the first wing and each week I earned enough gold to buy the following wing.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Discover! Best mechanic to boot.
Agreed. Sometimes I forget LoE was an adventure. Still my favorite set to be released. Great mechanic and great cards that really shook up the game/meta.

Edit: This might be the adventure where I stop buying anything for Hearthstone. I was all excited about Whispers and preordered and just feel disappointed. All the decks I want to mess with for fun require too many epics or legendaries I don't have. With the sets rotating now I just don't think I'm ever going to keep up anymore.
Adventures have proven to be worth it in most cases. BRM maybe the most disappointing. I could see not pre-purchasing packs of next expansion but Adventures always seem to have core cards and you don't need to get lucky with RNG to get those cards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also, that druid 1 mana 2/2 beast could be devastating. Don't think there is a stronger opener in the game than turn 1 raven turn 2 +2/+2 AND draw a card, will be disgusting. Even played turn 3 or turn 2 w/ coin 4/4 + draw a card is stupid strong.


<Bronze Donator>
I think it has to be turns 1-2 for it to be that strong. Nerubian Prophet in your opening hand is a turn 3 4/4 for the same amount of effective cards.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think it has to be turns 1-2 for it to be that strong. Nerubian Prophet in your opening hand is a turn 3 4/4 for the same amount of effective cards.
Yea but this new combo is a 4/4 on turn 2 and also draw a card. Might not see play, but it's a strong opener for sure. On turn 3 you can attack with the 4/4 whereas nerbuian can't attack till turn 4.