

Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd guess there is a 0.0000% chance they'd do that.

Golden twilight summoner from end of season reward twice in a row. Hooray for a playset I guess? Also completed a playset of golden betrayals! Yeah buddy!
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<Bronze Donator>
Prince Malchazar: 5 mana 5/6 demon At start of this game shuffle 5 legendaries into your deck
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Images for the new cards, easier for most people. Source: Hearthpwn


And from the weekend:


Edit: Forgot the cards from Saturday:

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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
So for just having the Prince in your deck you get 5 extra cards?
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Prince Malchezar is the 2nd Neutral Demon minion, the first is Illidan.
Seems like an auto-include, immediately increases your deck size to 35 cards, but granted this means you could have some dead draws which fuck you up. For a Control/Mid-Range deck it's great but for Tempo/Aggro it might not be desirable.
5 mana 5/6 is really nice stats, I hate to see the 5 slot keep getting inflated. 5 Health was a leap now it seems 6 health is the new mark.
Will be great for Reno decks:
It will NOT add duplicate legendaries into your deck. (if you have Reno in your deck, it will not add another Reno.)
It will obey deck-building rules. If you're a mage, it can only add Mage and Neutral Legendaries.

Protect the King is interesting. Warrior only, can serve a few purposes. In Control it functions as a counter to zoo, but otherwise pretty useless. Where this card could shine is in Aggro/Tempo/Fast decks. You can combo this with Frothing and a whirlwind to get huge Frothings. Can also combo with Cult Master and whirlwind. Might be too inconsistent as you're relying on enemy to have a board, but even 1-2 minions to get a few extra cards or frothing buffs could be worth it. Right now I'll say it's a niche card that sees little play.

Edit: Forgot the potential for Bolster Warrior. Another Warrior deck inbound?

Book Wyrm seems too conditional for the cost. You need to hold a dragon and enemy needs to have a 3 attack or less, that's 2 conditions needing to be met and it also costs 6 mana. Is this the first 2-condition minion? Seems really expensive for such a small body on 6 mana. I just cant see it. Blackwing Corrupter has a better body, cheaper, and kills most 3 attack minions plus can damage higher health and even face. This card just sucks imo.

Moroes is really weak to Warrior but infinite stealth is very strong. I can actually see this in Yogg Druid and maybe an aggro paladin deck. Might be a card we'll all come to hate. Won't see play in most decks.


Malchezar's Imp is interesting actually. Maybe fits in zoo or even a super-fast aggro warlock deck might come into play. Succubus, Darkshire Librarian and Tiny Knight of Evil will all work well if this is on the board, you won't drop your hand, you'll discard some cards but the immediate card-draw keeps your engine running. Interesting card to allow for a new type of warlock deck. Might not be viable or consistent.

Babbling Book seems bad but I've been wrong before. Mage 1-drops already: Mana Wyrm, Mirror Images, Arcane Missles, Arcane Blast. Dropping a 1/1 for a random spell just doesn't seem worth and bloats the 1-drops in your list. I think it's bad.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Malchezar is not an autoinclude, in fact I'd actually say he's pretty bad. You would only ever run him in ultra slow control decks where you can afford to have dead turns. If you've ever played Elise, think how many times you've gotten a grip of terrible legends from Monkey. Now imagine that instead of you having control of when your deck gets converted into legends (i.e. in the late game when you have the mana to cast whatever), 5 random legendaries are just tossed into your deck from the start, potentially wrecking your curve.

I mean I like him a lot and I'm definitely going to try him out in the flex slot of my fatigue warrior list, but that's about as niche as a decklist gets.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I agree but I think he's auto-include in most control/reno decks. Interesting note: If you check opponent's deck you'll know whether he has this guy in their list or not.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Golden Call of the Wild and 3 crappy commons.

Yeah, I think malchezar will be pretty bad. Think how often you actually use your entire deck and you're like man, I wish I had 5 more cards. More than likely he'll just add dead draws in your deck. So he'd have to go in a very control heavy deck like warrior, maybe he can go in yogg druid because that is one deck that it isn't so uncommon to run out of cards, but again adding 5 legendaries makes it more difficult to ramp up so it may just be bad.

Glad protect the king is warrior, at first glance I thought maybe it was a paladin card. An army of 1/1 taunts w/ divine shield would have been annoying.

I think babbling book is good in this meta, maybe a 1 of, but what do you drop for it? Mirror images?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Malchezar in Reno seems like a real crap shoot. I mean yeah the odds are pretty low, but you'll probably want to put your fist through your monitor the first time it costs you a game.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't touched this since Overwatch came out, and now Legion is coming out soon and I already re-subbed. This might be the first adventure/expansion that I'll miss out on since the game came out.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Malchezar in Reno seems like a real crap shoot. I mean yeah the odds are pretty low, but you'll probably want to put your fist through your monitor the first time it costs you a game.
Devs have said he won't add existing legendaries into your deck.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
As in he simply won't add legendaries you already have, or he won't add duplicate legendaries period?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Its in ravishing's post, won't add duplicates and they will be neutral or from the class you're playing.
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<Bronze Donator>
Closing in on having all the cards I want. Or, at least a reasonable amount. I still have 5k dust reserved for "fringe" legendaries like Onyxia, TBK, Alexstraza, etc, but I have almost all the main competitive ones.

So, I'm thinking, what's next? I realize a lot of people here play decks just for fun, but I like to work towards a goal. Legendary card back? Hoard dust to prepare for next expac? I'm not a huge fan of playing the constructed meta. I'll gladly admit to just taking the most efficacious net deck and running with it. Tweaking and teching just seems beyond my patience or ability.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Part of the fun with card games like this is the deck building. If you're not focused on being competitive and you also don't enjoy deck building then the game probably won't hold your interest much longer.

Since you already admit to not enjoy deckbuilding, give a run toward Legend a shot imo. It requires a lot more patience and skill. Knowing what to play and when and at what ranks. And also making few mistakes. I've yet to reach Legend myself, but it's never been a main goal of mine. I have more fun theorycrafting decks and playing non-meta cards.
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