

Blackwing Lair Raider
If you're trying to do warrior control on a budget any of the beefy minions can go at the end really, even just a mountain giant or two. I wouldn't run ysera though unless I was running into a lot of mirror or late game control.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Good post at liquidhearth. I was seeing more handlocks so I was going to ask what countered it well and this post covers all that.
The Meta Analyst

I find it funny out of the popular druid builds they didn't mention watcher druid though. I've tried all three and played against all three and while token or ramp might be favored in one matchup it just seems watcher druid matches up so much better against anything. Also, I've been running into a lot of watcher druids in the upper ranks so I find it odd they didn't mention it other than to say it counters zoo pretty well.

Although ramp druid does shit on watcher druid and there is a lot of ramp druid up here


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hulk smaaaaaaaaaaaash!!!!!!!!!!! Its hard to ladder when your isp keeps disconnecting you.


Trakanon Raider
I have to say, I wasn't sure the UTH nerf was quite enough but raising the cost to 3 seems to have accomplished the goal pretty well. I still see Hunters on the ladder but not nearly as much as before and it's obvious that the cost increase really influences how they play. Their combos come a bit later and it's hard to have all the mana they need to pull off what they want to accomplish. I still lose hard to Hunter when they get their perfect draw but the matches seem much more "fair" to me now.


Trakanon Raider
First Arena game since January. I got a Mage with 3 Fireballs and my only AOE in the form of a single Wild Pyromancer. So far I'm 3 - 0 with my last match ending on turn 6 when my opponent conceded after dropping a mighty mana wyrm when he had 23 life remaining... My first opponent thought drafting every single taunt minion was a good idea. Maybe it was a sound strategy but I, literally, top decked each one of my fireballs each time he put down a big taunt.

Since I posted this, now I'm guaranteed to lose the next 3 in a row.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not convinced that the UTH nerf is a big deal at all, people just perceive that hunter was nerfed so they stop playing it.


Trakanon Raider

Every game I lost, all 3 of my Fireballs were in the bottom 15 of my cards.

No complaints though. My card pack got me Lorewalker Cho! If there was ever a more situational Legendary card, I don't know what it might be. But he's still an Orange!
Maybe I'm getting worse but competition on ranked ladder on EU seems a lot stiffer this season than it used to be. Usually I hit rank 5 quite fast and didn't even play much. This season I've been playing more than on any previous season and only peaked rank 6 so far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been one game away from breaking into 2 a few times, now I'm in danger of dropping to 4 from a couple of disconnects. Not sure how eu ladder is but other than a couple games with control warrior I played watcher druid pretty exclusively, I saw a lot of zoo on the way up. Now I'm seeing a lot of handlock, miracle rogue, and ramp druid all matchups watcher druid is at a disadvantage, yet it never fails when I que with face hunter or control warrior then I face control warrior and zoo.


Poet Warrior
I took out a Defender of Argus from my zoo deck and put in Jaraxxus. I honestly like this change. I guess I just like the idea of having at least one true uppercut in the deck. Been working well for me so far. (5 games)

*edit oh and I suck so I'm talking low teens ranks. Last season I peaked at 11 so that's my ladder range more often than not


Bought a few packs the other day and got the "you own all the Murlocs" achievement. Thought it'd be pretty funny to roll a mostly-Murloc deck.

Took my priest, added all the Murlocs in with some fillers here and there and been on a winning streak. It's pretty rofl. I don't think it's competitive but it's certainly hilarious.


Trakanon Raider
Murlocs are a lot of fun in the classes with buffs. Priests, druids, paladins etc that bring your good murlocs like warleader outside of easy kill range with health buffs are great. As you said, you won't be getting legendary with it or anything, but it's so much more fun than the brainless warlock murloc version which gets shit on by any kind of AoE.


Trakanon Raider
I've been hovering in the low teens (10 to 13ish).

I see pretty much every deck out there so it's hard to decide what to play on a day-to-day basis. Miracle Rogue, Ramp Druid, Watcher Druid, Warlock Zoo, Hunter Mid-Range, Trump Mage. They're all there. Mostly I've been playing Control Warrior to get the golden Yetis (still only level 43). The one change I made was to swap in 2 Blood Knights because of all the dekcs I see, Warlock Zoo is the most common.

I'm still not sure if the hunter nerf is perception or actually hurts the class but, for now, it accomplished it's job. I still see Hunters but not nearly as often as I was seeing them prior to the nerf when, literally, every other game was "Let the Hunt Begin."


I'm still not sure if the hunter nerf is perception or actually hurts the class but, for now, it accomplished it's job. I still see Hunters but not nearly as often as I was seeing them prior to the nerf when, literally, every other game was "Let the Hunt Begin."
I commented on this right after the nerf.

That UTH nerf does not change mid range hunters at all,.. it only effects the real UTH to the face meta which it destroys.
Instead of having Lethal on round 6, you have to wait till round 7 or 8 now. Doesn't seem like a big change, but that is HUGE against almost all classes.

For mid range hunters you are using the UTH+Vulture+ mark pretty late anyway so it doesn't even matter.


Trakanon Raider
Playing a mage with a few different secrets is kind of amusing. The uncertainty of what it could be seems to cripple some players decision making in the later game. I secret and they will go 2 turns or so not even playing a minion in fear of mirror entity. Even better is when I pop a few early game counterspell or spellbenders, then later I drop a mirror entity and they assume it's another counterspell and I copy their big endgame bomb. So many mindgames, lot of fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Having a blast playing Garra's shaman deck, ran it up to 5 without much resistance. Dropped totemic might for raid leaders. Thank god hunters haven't been showing up.


Poet Warrior
Playing a mage with a few different secrets is kind of amusing. The uncertainty of what it could be seems to cripple some players decision making in the later game. I secret and they will go 2 turns or so not even playing a minion in fear of mirror entity. Even better is when I pop a few early game counterspell or spellbenders, then later I drop a mirror entity and they assume it's another counterspell and I copy their big endgame bomb. So many mindgames, lot of fun.
I do this also. You can almost watch them squirm through the monitor. =)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I took out a Defender of Argus from my zoo deck and put in Jaraxxus. I honestly like this change. I guess I just like the idea of having at least one true uppercut in the deck. Been working well for me so far. (5 games)

*edit oh and I suck so I'm talking low teens ranks. Last season I peaked at 11 so that's my ladder range more often than not
Really you should be running the black knight if you don't already have him in your zoo deck, so many taunts out there now. If you already have the black knight in your deck, imo, you would be better off running ragnaros instead of jaraxxus if running any kind of late game minion because ragnaros has an immediate impact while jaraxxus you do nothing for 1 turn and then have to wait another turn for your infernals to kick in. But I don't know that I agree with putting either in zoo, it'll too often just be a dead card/discarded by doomguard.

I've been hovering in the low teens (10 to 13ish).

I see pretty much every deck out there so it's hard to decide what to play on a day-to-day basis. Miracle Rogue, Ramp Druid, Watcher Druid, Warlock Zoo, Hunter Mid-Range, Trump Mage. They're all there. Mostly I've been playing Control Warrior to get the golden Yetis (still only level 43). The one change I made was to swap in 2 Blood Knights because of all the dekcs I see, Warlock Zoo is the most common.

I'm still not sure if the hunter nerf is perception or actually hurts the class but, for now, it accomplished it's job. I still see Hunters but not nearly as often as I was seeing them prior to the nerf when, literally, every other game was "Let the Hunt Begin."
You start to see face hunters again at the top of the ladder because there is a lot of handlock and miracle rogue.

Having a blast playing Garra's shaman deck, ran it up to 5 without much resistance. Dropped totemic might for raid leaders. Thank god hunters haven't been showing up.
Thats why I ran into an abundance of shaman yesterday evening? I was just starting to do well with control warrior when this deck showed up and there is so many weenies warrior can't keep up, especially if playing the later game variety.