In the dark of night green commerce runs across a border farm. A waiting truck continues the journey to an unorthodox kingpin.
Tyler Marcus, son, heir, entrepreneur enters breakfast to the nagging of a disappointed father. His constant ally and protector Barbara Marcus works to diffuse the familiar paternal tensions. Tyler uses his line of retreat to go upstairs and prepare for school.
Once he arrives at the university he must navigate a hoping professor, a loving girlfriend, and the potential problems brought on by saying no to a drug deal. Money begets problems and Tyler moves through his day a firefighter on constant alert.
Not all fires extinguish quickly or easily. A confrontation in his own nightclub goes awry. Amid the destruction of a huge altercation he and his allies slide into a waiting limousine. Anger and resolution lead to a decision, the first move towards legitimization.
A calm morning with his love and a short respite from the chaos of his double life. Followed by an act of kindness towards a man who's lifetime of sweat for the Marcus family is not forgotten by Tyler. Tyler then must confront his patriarch, while supporting his brother in his moment of triumph.
At the celebration of his brothers victory, Tyler has more pressing needs. He must move quickly to diffuse the problems the fight has caused. Turning to a ruthless ally has he only taken on more duty, to a less forgiving master. Only time will tell.