Heroes of the Storm


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
So I just installed this yesterday, as my nephew wants me to start playing. I've never played a moba before, so I'm looking for some advice on how to not completely suck. What character should I aim for first? I just want something that's easy to play so I'm not a liability to the team as I'm figuring things out. I'd be fine if there's a character or two that's something like TF2 medic, where I can just latch on to someone who seems competent.

Any sites or videos I can check out that would give me a better idea of common strategies, character builds and such?


<Bronze Donator>
I use this as a baseline for what talents to use

Heroes of the Storm (HotS): Hero Details: Abathur

You can change the hero with the drop down.

Beyond that, advice from someone who was also new to MOBA's/HoTS so not a pro just a new guy.

Prior to 10 you want to pretty much lane as normal. The exception is objectives. Objectives in this game are pretty important, and you almost always want to go to t hem when they pop. Post level 10 it's all about roaming as a team. Hopefully you have someone on your team who can competently call shots and lead you to the places you should be. At that stage of the game it's all about winning team fights and keeping control of the map (like merc camps, keeping lanes pushed, etc).

It's basically never worth dieing. Play safe, get out instead of dieing when possible. Try to not to overextend and get into positions you can't get out of. Try to keep an eye on the mini map so you can see where the enemy team is to see if they are possibly trying to trap you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I just installed this yesterday, as my nephew wants me to start playing. I've never played a moba before, so I'm looking for some advice on how to not completely suck. What character should I aim for first? I just want something that's easy to play so I'm not a liability to the team as I'm figuring things out. I'd be fine if there's a character or two that's something like TF2 medic, where I can just latch on to someone who seems competent.

Any sites or videos I can check out that would give me a better idea of common strategies, character builds and such?
Highly recommend the medic idea and play support. I believe support is the best role to learn a moba on and whenever my less experienced friends play, when they play support things go much smoother. So I recommend getting Malfurion and Lili, both are only 2k and both are good supports.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Where is Sonya right now? And what about rehgar vs malf? I accidentally bought rehgar. I have then both at low levels but I'll really only have time to focus on one.
Sonya is still in the dumpster despite the changes to the Daze mechanic and her WW being hard to stop now. She just dies instantly.

Rehgar and Malf are the two best supports but fit different roles. Rehgar has worse sustained healing but far better burst healing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
With rehgar also just be aware he is really weak early game and much stronger late game. You have to play to not lose in the beginning.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also Malf is pretty good to pair with mana hungry heroes. Especially now that you can talent Innervate at 1 to lower the CD by 10 seconds. If you lane with a Valla she'll love you. It can free KT up to not take Mana Addict at 1 in favor of Infusion. Malf is also one of the few supports (and only heal-focused support) who has access to MULE at 7. So he is a strong pick on maps where the objective chips your buildings like Blackheart or Sky Temple. Though it is now a harder take since he also has Cleanse at 7 to overlap on MULE. But his 7 is a bit more free than Rehgars where in general you'll almost always want to take Earth Shield so it makes him being the Cleanse machine a bit more difficult than Malf who is pretty free to take it.


Would like to start doing some more team play. I normally solo queue in HL but does anyone here regularly put groups together in QM? I know I see Mures and a few others in groups frequetly, but hesitant to ask to join in.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Doesn't hurt to ask, we often do not have a 5 stack and we're not opposed to giving out our mumble info if you want to join in on some fun.


Any sites or videos I can check out that would give me a better idea of common strategies, character builds and such?
I follow these guys. Tempo Storm is starting to do tutorials that gives you a look into the mind of a high level player, Solid Jake's The Daily Quest segments are good for overall analysis on pro matches, heroes, and map mechanics, and Zuna just because I like how he explains things during online matches or replays. There is also heroesfire.com if you want to try out builds that work for others, but just be aware that the meta has been shifting with every patch so things can get outdated.





Bronze Knight of the Realm
I feel like Tyrael has a build hidden in there where he goes full ADC. I'm going to try it in QM later today.

Something like this:Heroes of the Storm (Heroes) Builds Guides, wiki, database and forums. Heroes Hero Build Guides on HeroesFire Wiki!

I guess maybe not full ADC but I think his AD would be pretty decent and between his self sustain healing via regen + vampire and then pure mitigation via shields he'd also be annoying to take down. Maybe take that juicy AD talent on his Q at 16 instead of B4B depending upon the comp.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I haven't been able to play too much recently but I'll QM with ya'll. I don't really want to run into HL where my MMR would screw the team over.


Toe Sucker
that was one of the worst drafts ive ever seen, what the fuck were they thinking? like some legit rank 50 drafting right there lol


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think they knew they couldn't mechanically defeat TL so if everything went standard they'd still lose. So they decided to try and play their trap card which never activated.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Last weekend a team beat Team Arthas in one of those EU tourneys with Murky (and then beat them again when Arthas picked Murky). Was pretty funny.


Toe Sucker
which is completely understandable.. but their team wasn't just murky though, it was an entire throw of a game haha. I can't remember exactly who else was on it.. sonya and some other char or some shit?

QMing with a buddy playing nova/zeratul is hilarious. Destroying everybody that even remotely wanders away from there team. A pug gazlowe picked up on our VP/PS wombo combos and ended up going grav bomb to make it even better haha, so fun!


Trakanon Raider
QMing with a buddy playing nova/zeratul is hilarious. Destroying everybody that even remotely wanders away from there team. A pug gazlowe picked up on our VP/PS wombo combos and ended up going grav bomb to make it even better haha, so fun!
Free Zera week means I play ass loads of Tass. Pulling nova/zeratul from stealth every 12s is glorious