Hero's Song by John Smedley - ARPG/MMO Lite


Got something right about marriage
I'd argue the reverse. Smed was smart enough to realize how damaging a failed kickstarter can be. Though not smart enough to not spin it somehow in his favor. Which is weirdly respectable. Though only mildly so.


<Bronze Donator>
I can't believe that people in this thread actually flushed money down the toilet to support this

Edit: I should say willing to flush money


Someone mentioned Early Access here.. That shit needs to die. I find it to be one of the most dishonest and abusable practices there is..

Paying in advance removes all motivation to work hard and do a good job. It's risk mitigation in a disguise of "help us make the game better"


Lord Nagafen Raider
First, there is absolutely no reason to pre-purchase or pre-order, it's not like in the days of physical copies, where you wanted to make sure you received your box (and even then, a small payment in advance would be enough to reserve a copy, sometimes even nothing). I remember the days of collector editions with books, illustrated art, figures, etc. nowadays they give you a title, a few pointless in-game items and a cosmetic or two, it's frankly disgusting.

Kickstarter: conceptually it was a good idea, but I think it should help more those categories that have a lot more troubles finding capitals to produce their products, including artists of various nature, musician, writers and so on. Videogames? I can see how it could work for your typical garage-company of 2-3 guys, but there has to be a RoI and not just a lame free copy of the game and a ridicolously priced "alpha" access (aka unpaid work).
Let's face it: Steam alone has tens of thousands of titles, you really need a very good and very compelling argument if you want me to give you money to finance an idea and a little bit of work. Do you want 100k dollars for your game? I'll drop 100$ and get some % of the company earnings, maybe for a limited amount of time (0,1% or more, depending on amount asked and financed), just as an example.


Can't believe Patrick Rothfuss is wasting his time with this shit instead of finishing Doors of Stone... and aren't they making King Killer Chronicles tv show / movie / video games now too? why...


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Someone mentioned Early Access here.. That shit needs to die. I find it to be one of the most dishonest and abusable practices there is..

Paying in advance removes all motivation to work hard and do a good job. It's risk mitigation in a disguise of "help us make the game better"
Theonlytime early access sits ok with me is on a game that was already planning on being F2P. In other words, I have no problem with early access if the cost of said access is free. If you have to prepurchase, preorder, etc.? Go fuck yourself.

When even a former dev is telling you that early access is being used dishonestly..whelp..


It's not being used dishonestly so long as development steams along. We've seen time and time again in the industry though of companies who get a lot of money from Kickstarter or EA, and then piss it away doing who knows what? H1Z1 was early access, but that team has been busting their ass non-stop for a couple years, and don't show much sign of slowing. I'm perfectly OK with how Early Access worked out for H1Z1. For some other companies though, it's a painfully transparent money grab relieving the company of a necessity to develop a quality product with any urgency.


Can't believe Patrick Rothfuss is wasting his time with this shit instead of finishing Doors of Stone... and aren't they making King Killer Chronicles tv show / movie / video games now too? why...
I think he is an epic slacker and/or he likes to over commit himself which then serves to hide his slackerness.

From thisarticlewritten in 2011.

"It took him seven years to write The Name of the Wind, the acclaimed best-seller that was the first installment in his projected fantasy trilogy, The Kingkiller Chronicles."

"The sequel, The Wise Man's Fear, came out this week. Four years later."


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I understand where you are coming from UT. But given a choice between risking my money or someone else's, I would always use the other guy's.
I wouldn't mind backing some of these games, except 90% of the time or more, you aren't getting something worth your 'investment'. It's not even an investment, it's more like a"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"type of shell-game. And if you give them $20 via KS and you eventually get a game that is maybe worth $10 or $15, you're just SOL.

^ I don't see the problem.Hairbrained Schemeskick started:

- Shadowrun Returns
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong
- Battletech

They are an established "indie" company (albeit, the best possible case you possibly hope for as an indie game company) yet every one of their KS was near record-breaking. I gladly backed all of them because (a) $15 is a great price for their games, and (b) maybe it will ensure they keep on putting out quality games and have to worry much less about paying the bills.
The first 2 didn't even feel like finished games to me. Hong Kong felt more complete but still had issues/bugs like Kriptini mentioned. I got into the Office Building mission where you encounter another team of Runners, got bugged out, read on the forums where I'd have to try rolling everything way back and I was just like"fuck it, this shit shouldn't still be happening". And after playing all three games, I feel like instead of just making a single Shadowrun game with a single Kickstarter, they decided to parcel out the Alpha as Returns and the Beta as Dragonfall so they could rake in more of the sweet, sweet KS monies. Why KS once when you can KS three times?

The biggest reason I decided against backing Battletech, even though I am a huge fan, is that I'm honestly afraid that even with the 3rd tier tacked on that it's going to have a similar issue to the Shadowruns in how linear it is. As in, a criminally linear storyline just with some procedureally generated side missions tacked onto it. My guess is the game isn't being designed to be open-ended at it's core (nothing I've read leads me to believe otherwise), so I'm not expecting great things in that department. Then there is the issue of how multiplayer has been described (Solaris 7). I think they had a chance to implement coop multiplayer (within your lance) or even multiplayer against friends in the regular mission layouts...but Solaris 7? Yeah, I dunno about that one.


Molten Core Raider
Someone mentioned Early Access here.. That shit needs to die. I find it to be one of the most dishonest and abusable practices there is..

Paying in advance removes all motivation to work hard and do a good job. It's risk mitigation in a disguise of "help us make the game better"
sadly its where the industry has gone. After the move to consoles and consolidation in the industry, its all bean counters now and they being part of public companies have to show increased revenues.

So since say 2004, what they have been doing is taking RMT and putting it into games then since that is done now, they have to find a new revenue source. Charge people for betas and call it a sexy term like "early access". Sadly it wont go away until people stop forking over the cash for it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
seriously.. if there is a million dollar investment, show us what you can do with it first. He doesn't want to take the risk before he has all the money.