+1 for the series
While it does indeed get off to a pretty slow start, it gets really good later on as they establish some really good storylines and recurring immortals (Fitzcairn, Amanda, etc), and tackle some interestings questions in relation to immortals. There's a very obvious reason you don't see immortal kids, old people, retards, etc, but it's nice to see it play out. Plus you get to see quite a few cameos. Sadly S6 existed for the sole purpose of finding a female lead for a spinnoff, so the quality shows that. That spinnof ended up being with Amanda in The Raven - a series I'm (almost) ashamed to say I own. It has an entertaining episode or three, but isn't a very good show.
Anyway, I'd watch this. I'd love to see this IP come back to life. Hell, even just trying is good.
I made myself watch The Raven back when I was in college and catching up on not-so-good extensions of shows I used to like, like Dragonball GT.
With Adrian Paul out of the way, the creators of The Raven were finally able to go full-on COP SHOW like they wanted to do in Highlander: The Series (you can see it in the first 13 eps of Season 1, before AP put his foot down and wanted a change of themes with the back half of the season).
Another thing the Highlander Power That Be always wanted was a post-apocalyptic theme, for some reason. They almost did that in Season 6 with the demon Ahriman ravaging the Earth, but it was too expensive to film, so they ended up abandoning the idea. They drudged it back up for Highlander: The Source and it sucked balls, as anyone could have predicted.
Not sure why they had such a boner for apocalypses and cop shows.
As for The Raven...much like most seasons of The Series, it gets better once it goes to Paris for the back half of the season. IIRC the last...five? or so episodes of The Raven had a very different tone from the first 17, and felt a lot more like normal Highlander. They went from a terrible cop show to "trending in the right direction" by the end, but of course the show was donezo by then. I remember liking the final episode.
The Raven was doomed from the get-go because the two stars (Amanda and that cop she was supposed to have a budding romance with) hated each other in real life, and it came through on screen constantly. Even when they were supposed to like each other, it was there, and it made the whole show not work. Elizabeth Gracen thought that the actor playing the cop was a spy sent to watch her by the CIA or something. Also, Gracen cutting her hair and dying it blonde made her about 80% less attractive. She was gorgeous in, say, Season 3 of the show when she had mid-length black hair.
And speaking of which...cutting her hair and dying it blonde was something Gracen chose to do on her own. The creators of the series wanted her to have her normal black hair (hence...THE RAVEN) and at the last minute she completely changed her look on them.
Between hating her co-star and cutting her hair / dying it blonde at the last minute, Elizabeth Gracen seems kind of messed-up IRL. Not sure if this has anything to do with being sexually-assaulted by Bill Clinton, or if she was a part of any MKUltra weird shit. This is more the domain of