Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I would just like to say that the reinvigoration the shaw has seen lately is just great. So many active threads. So much shitposting and salt.

This is what god would have wanted if he were real bros

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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The mistake you're making is that the president did not commit a corrupt act. What the president said doesn't meet the criteria for bribery. It doesn't meet the criteria for extortion. Quid pro quo is another word for foreign policy with conditions attached which is how foreign policy SHOULD be conducted and HAS BEEN conducted for decades.

So you are attempting to criminalize normal acts by a president based upon his perceived intent. You perceive his intent as corrupt and 'politically motivated' because the target of his proposed investigation is in the other political party and running for president, regardless of the veracity of the claim. The president claims that his motivations are to root out corruption at home and abroad. We have evidence that there is corruption in Ukraine, and that the Bidens were involved. It is a crime under Ukrainian law for Hunter Biden to receive payments in the manner he did. In the US giving no show jobs to your kid in exchange for something is the very definition of corruption. We have mountains of evidence, PHYSICAL evidence to show corruption in Ukraine and that the Bidens were involved. Just like BEING the president shouldn't shield you from breaking the law, RUNNING for president should be no shield for past acts of corruption. We also have the word of the Ukrainian president that all is above board and he wants to know what happened to the aid money that was "lost" under Joe Biden's term. To proceed we must call him either a dupe or a liar. Which is it?

On the other side of the ledger for evidence lined up against the president, we have hearsay from career bureaucrats about what is in the call that we possess a transcript of.

Put more simply, the democrats are impeaching the president for thoughtcrime. Once side perceives his INTENT as corrupt, the other side noble. His actual actions are normal every day actions that a president takes while conducting foreign policy.

Just like the President, your actions are everyday and normal, but your intent has been called in to question and you are being held accountable for your intent. Just like the president, you find yourself in the impossible position of disproving your intent when people have presumed you guilty instead of innocent despite your actions being everyday and normal. Just like the president, you are being asked to call witnesses from a list approved by the prosecution only in an effort to disprove your intent. Just like the president, every statement you make to profess your innocence is taken as further evidence of your guilt or is discounted due to your obvious guilt.

I was hoping that being put in the same exact situation as the president would give you some insight about what it's like to be the victim of what the president is going through: a witch trial where he is put in the impossible position of proving to partisans that he doesn't have corrupt intent, but I can see it's a lost cause.

Just so we're clear, you've now multiple times confirmed that you Rickshawed me for no other reason than you're own personal issues and not due to any "rule" of this forum. In a real world I'd either be reporting you to the authorities if deemed criminal or if not then be suing you for damages and attempting to publicize your actions to the general public for the menace you are.

Now if you want to take this back into the impeachment thread I'm happy to go over how you are stating outright lies multiple times here while ignoring the actual facts of the case. I'd also like to give my thoughts on Watchman, Rick and Morty, Soccer and other things the general populace have been held from hearing due to your corrupt acts. Today I'd like to specifically note that Boozecube was might get leniency from Rep. Ilhan Omar in his case.

We also owe Hodj his thread back.

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