trumps such an omnipotent mad king a simple phone call doing his legal duties threatens to impeach him lawl
The rule of Law is supreme in this land
Extorting personal political favors from foreign governments in exchange for military assistance already allotted to them by Congress, the holders of the nation's purse strings, is not doing his legal duties. Its the polar opposite of that. You're literally arguing black is white and white is black and up is down and down is up.
And you still think you're not a part of a cult
Yes, making an extortion claim on a phone call is impeachable behavior. Lying about a blowjob under oath in a civil trial for a business deal gone sideways is impeachable, then this is 100 times more impeachable than that in scope and scale and only a dishonest person or an incredibly stupid one would argue otherwise.
fucking deal with it dude the problem here is you, your complete lack of basic decency, and sense of duty to your nation and your failures in your core ethical foundations, not mine