Nope just educating you om how the game actually works.
As a failed student who got knocked up by an autist and had to drink her mistakes away once said 'Blond Hair Dont Care'
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Nope just educating you om how the game actually works.
But youre free to donate 20 bucks and get yourself 6k heaven points to spend on reacts and as a perk here in a few days you can fix your title at no cost to you or anyone else
I aint given this shit tier low rent Kiwi Farms clone one red cent till they give back the 60K Worfs they stole from me.
Cry some more about it then
Nothing to cry about, but a man has to have a code.
Yes you do and honesty integrity and not being a fawning bootlicking cult of personality member is three of mine
Points are for spending, not sitting on. I thought I'd help your clot recovery by not letting you get super stressed in the big boy threads
Sorry for hurting you during clot recovery