im not that person and am not sure what I can do to convince you, but I like posting here and am happy to answer your questions:
1. nope, only know of that from a_skeleton_03’s thread and speculation surrounding my identity. I haven’t the fingers to count the people I’ve been suspected of being so far. I really am just me though.
2. see 1.
3. Yoga pants are wonderful, butt they are just one of many wonderful things. I am also a huge fan of the cold, words, systems and good aesthetics in general
i will concede that a modest measure of my style is borrowed from another person I met in a different place. Whether or not that person ever had any presence on this board is unknown to me. however, given that i did meet this one other person so similar to me, it is well within reason that there could be a third, a fourth, a fifth, maybe more on this wet little rock. I remain hopeful and will continue signaling the divine lunacy that so drew me to him in hopes of finding another, but also because it is just a fun thing for me to do (^.~)v It is also very true that refining this aspect of my me enriches other areas of my life as much as any other investment of my time. i will not post my butthole though.