New evidence reveals The Proclaimers only walked two miles before turning back
Scottish sensations, The Proclaimers, have been left embarrassed after footage emerged of them turning back almost immediately into their long journey.

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At the end.of the day Z, my drug use boils down to a personal choice that harms no one but me.
Meanwhile your choice to abandon reason for foolishness and join a personality cult that has taken over a political party of a planet spanning empire hellbent on promoting an authoritarian vision and working for foreign powers that have long been our enemy harms democratic governments worldwide and threatens global economic stability.
Youre just mad i said you lack ethics and values so you want to tjrn that back on me over personal choices in my life.
But no one died because i did a little blow beyond, at best, me.
The idiot you support is causing lasting damage to our longest standing international relationships, leaving us less fot and capable of defending our trade lanes and our allies.
I heard thathodj became a man of god and a true believer of the gospels.
This was hodj's last post. DidZyyzYzzy trigger him so hard that his butthurt caused him to get so intoxicated he ODd and died?
WhoopsThis was hodj's last post. DidZyyzYzzy trigger him so hard that his butthurt caused him to get so intoxicated he ODd and died?
He got nailed with a couple of replies telling him what a selfish asshole he was being for believing that him almost dying doesn't affect his wife or kid(s). I even went as far as to say he doesn't deserve this thread and booted him to the swamp for three days, I was pissed that he could be that selfish and stupid. Not sure what happened after that, he just disappeared.
I cannot help but feel partially responsible, and guilty. A little, not a lot.
I sure hopehodj is;