So my wife and I have been completely debt free for going on five years now (we charge things to a card and pay it off monthly to keep credit good), which makes me happy heading into the coming shitshow. But the wife wants to buy a fucking rental property in CO (we are in TX) near her sister and put us into a fucking 30 year mortgage right at the start of what is sure to be a depression. She wants to rent it as an Air BnB type thing, but really she just wants to have a house she can go be near her sister and nephews at. I do NOT want to take on a fuckton of debt, especially since prices are likely to crash in a couple months when the bubble pops. We are over 50 and will be paying on the fucking thing until beyond us being put in the fucking dirt. And it will end our financial freedom (we save lots of money and pretty much do whatever we want whenever we want right now) for the foreseeable future. She assures me we can rent it often enough to cover the mortgage payment, but I have serious doubts and feel like we would be fucked over long term by this. And I don't like owning property a time zone away, either. She wanted to hold on to our old condo in CA when we bailed and if we had, we would have been royally fucked there too with the squatters running rampant. I don't want to be the asshole here, but I am trying to keep us safe and all of our assets in arms reach in TX.
I guess my question is, is there a decent window for taking this kind of leap in the next half a year? Or should I just stall until she gives up? Given how bad our 401k is getting raped, I suggested cashing that out to buy a property that way, while the 401k is still worth something but she has this delusion that its going to magically bounce back. The wife is normally very rational, but the usual female "be near my family" bullshit is fucking with her brain on this. I moved heaven and earth to get us to a point where we are in a red state, financially secure and debt free, have good friends, and are mostly isolated from the liberal mind virus. Now she wants to take a hammer to all that stability because she wants to have the option to move us closer to her sister, into a house likely half the size, twice the cost, and built years before our current home. This could ruin us and she just refuses to see it, so I need to know what is realistic here to steer her in a direction that is at least somewhat managable.