Yeah I just paid cash for my new car, a used Tundra, and the sales kid was like this. I don't blame the kid he was like 24 years old I told him here's your advertised price, don't add your usual dealership shit to it the only extra thing on the bill I expect to see is tax/registration fees. No, I don't want any of your other crap and you will not convince me otherwise.Certain industries are just built on scum. Car dealerships are one such industry. They fuck over uneducated people on an hourly basis. I have been shopping for a car for my daughter and when I ask the salesman "how long has it been sitting on your floorplan?" They look at me like "how does he speak the secret language?".
He still had to run the numbers on the loan amount as the older finance guy straight came up to him and told him he had to. Then I saw it and said okay cool here I will now wire transfer you this amount okay? He's like "Are you sure? This is a good rate." Lol.
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