Home buying thread


Avatar of War Slayer
is this what happens in auction/forclosed houses? you pay 100k for a house and some guy just comes over (after you renovated it) and says it looks more like 250k

Right, auctions and shortfalls etc etc all get the different type of sale. Then it's assessed - there are different rules, obviously per state etc... but as stated above - auctioned for 70k - tax assessed for 165 ands sold 225 -- that 225 is above the assessed initial value... they generally will just go with that as it would most likely be a normal sale.

I am not a tax expert- just from my exp and whatnot.

Upgrades done with permits all get a value and added to your assessment - they have prorated rates etc etc- again everything is different.

In FL we just voted out a stupid bill that would give solar additions a indefinite amount of years where solar would not add to your tax assessment ever... but obv increase value to your home. I don't mind them promoting solar for a few years...but the fact the bill said FOREVER- I was like newp!


Trakanon Raider
That sounds like a great idea. A renewable energy source not causing you to pay more for being responsible ever?


Got something right about marriage
There are states that base property taxes off sale price? CT gives no fucks about sale price. They re-assess my house every 5 years as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There are states that base property taxes off sale price? CT gives no fucks about sale price. They re-assess my house every 5 years as well.

That is how it is in CA. The east coast seems completely differently. Like in Ohio my property taxes were heavily based on which school district you lived in. My new coworker from Jersey said his were the same. I've heard it is kind of a legal gray zone if you're even allowed to do that but the east coast seems to not care.


Tranny Chaser
I've only been house hunting in a truly serious way for 3 weeks now and I already hate it. I keep finding new construction or teardown remodels that look great, then I realize they are in Brockton. Like a fool I keep going to open houses there, each time thinking "maybe this part of Brockton isn't terrible..."

Being from the Midwest I feel stupid for seriously contemplating paying this much for a house.


<Prior Amod>
I've only been house hunting in a truly serious way for 3 weeks now and I already hate it. I keep finding new construction or teardown remodels that look great, then I realize they are in Brockton. Like a fool I keep going to open houses there, each time thinking "maybe this part of Brockton isn't terrible..."

Being from the Midwest I feel stupid for seriously contemplating paying this much for a house.
just use the draw feature on zillow

the bottom right tool, and draw on only areas you're interested in, then you'll only get updates for those neighborhoods/zipcodes.

i use it to focus on the super white neighborhoods, i'm talking to my real estate agent and he's like "all the areas you've picked have really good schools", i'm like "you know we don't have kids right?", he's like "yea but they have really good schools, and you'll pay more in property tax, is this where you want to focus on?", i said "yup, exactly these areas".

I'm guessing he's asking in a roundabout way do i want to live in whitey, white ville.

I'm meeting him monday, and from his 20years he's said he's only had 1% buy a house outright and less than a handful of asian clients, lol.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Property tax is the most fucked up thing ever envisioned. I hope the evil fuck who thought it up is forever being fucked in the ass with some rusty metal objects.

Its just so fucking illogical and a massive fucking in the ass.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
I've only been house hunting in a truly serious way for 3 weeks now and I already hate it. I keep finding new construction or teardown remodels that look great, then I realize they are in Brockton. Like a fool I keep going to open houses there, each time thinking "maybe this part of Brockton isn't terrible..."

Being from the Midwest I feel stupid for seriously contemplating paying this much for a house.

Brockton Mass? You'd have to be real dumb to move there.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah dude don't move to Brockton, new Bedford or even fall river

I live in Somerset and having to drive by fall river makes me nauseous


Tranny Chaser
Went to a bunch of Abington/Whitman/Weymouth places today and found one I like, but we will see. Each place had a swarm of people in attendance and all of the real estate agents were very cocksure about the property going immediately. I mean it's a good sales tactic to drum up demand, but I doubt it was really necessary given the Sellers market were in.

Was also amusing that I kept seeing the same dude wandering in to each place just as we were wandering out. Clearly I wasn't the only person anal enough to draw out a hit-list efficiency route to minimize travel time.


A Mod Real Quick
Well with our house there was a fuck load at the showing and I put an offer in that way. We competed against 20 offers that day and won out because the family liked us (starting a new family, etc)


Victory Through Harmony
<Gold Donor>
Went to a bunch of Abington/Whitman/Weymouth places today and found one I like, but we will see. Each place had a swarm of people in attendance and all of the real estate agents were very cocksure about the property going immediately. I mean it's a good sales tactic to drum up demand, but I doubt it was really necessary given the Sellers market were in.

Was also amusing that I kept seeing the same dude wandering in to each place just as we were wandering out. Clearly I wasn't the only person anal enough to draw out a hit-list efficiency route to minimize travel time.

The amount of times I've gone and seen a property where the seller's realtor told me as I was leaving that the property was "hot" was about a 90% rate. I've tracked a few and it's usually turned out to be bullshit and wasn't sold in a few days. You can usually get a gut instinct yourself bout how well a property will do, if you love it, you go for it. If you don't, you wait.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well with our house there was a fuck load at the showing and I put an offer in that way. We competed against 20 offers that day and won out because the family liked us (starting a new family, etc)

How much did they give up to give it to you?


Tranny Chaser
Okay so in my noobness I didn't know about the 'love letter' that traditionally accompanies the offer. Thankfully I have a pretty good memory and just put together a quick missive based on the elements of the current owner's personality i remember from the visit.

Assuming I don't get it I'll have to go full on Sherlock in subsequent open houses.


We wrote a letter too with our offer, which we put in the day the house came on the market. The seller waited 4 days since there was a open house already scheduled. 500k and less houses don't last very long here.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
We just sold our house in Norwood for $15,200 over asking. House was on the market for less than 12 hours, we cancelled our open house the next day and still had 60 people show up. Housing in Massachusetts is insane. The house we bought in Walpole didn't even hit the market, my buddy's wife saw a girl mention she was thinking of selling in a Facebook group and put us in touch with her. Went and saw it that night and offered her what she thought it was worth without using any agents.
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A Mod Real Quick
We just sold our house in Norwood for $15,200 over asking. House was on the market for less than 12 hours, we cancelled our open house the next day and still had 60 people show up. Housing in Massachusetts is insane. The house we bought in Walpole didn't even hit the market, my buddy's wife saw a girl mention she was thinking of selling in a Facebook group and out us in touch with her. Went and saw it that night and offered her what she thought it was worth without using any agents.
People don't believe me when I post it but the housing market in MA truly is insane

I went to an open house and the guy informed me that the house was actually sold the day before but feel free to look around. Sure, love wasting my time.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
No she wrote some bullshit letter about her and her dog that my wife fell in love with. Then she requested I pay for a plumber to inspect the work I did without a permit, cost me $125. I got the last laugh when I sold her my piece of shit lawnmower for $225, would have given it to her for free.
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