Well, the 7k in credit card debt is in my mom's name actually. My credit is remarkably awesome, because I've actually paid off most of my student loans already.Look into a consolidation loan from a local bank.
Credit card interest starts to get TRULY redonkulous. Even if the bank will only give you a couple of points, that adds up.
Alternatively, if you don't mind 7 years of about a 20 credit rating you could just tell them to go fuck themselves. You don't really even have to declare bankruptcy, you just have to empty your accounts. Credit cards can't garnish you.
WVisa natural disaster. It just happened a long time ago when 'God' buried all the dinosaurs there and fucked you forever.Move to wv Mist, there are no natural disasters, your mother will die at 65, and we'll beat the gay out of you.
You could also try to find a credit card that offers 0% on balance transfers for up to a year, I think Chase even offered one that was 0% for 18 months for a while. Chase Slate maybe? Can't remember now.Well, the 7k in credit card debt is in my mom's name actually. My credit is remarkably awesome, because I've actually paid off most of my student loans already.
I just know she'll never be able to pay them off if I leave, so I need to get that stuff paid down before I go. The one bright side is that FEMA, by mandate of congress, is re-investigating the lousy payout they gave us for Hurricane Sandy (not the flood in 2010, but the flood insurance that FEMA forced us to buy after that flood, then didn't actually pay out worth a shit for Sandy) so MAYBE they can cover part of it.
Thought about it, but my mom's credit is dogshit and I'm certainly not transferring it into my name, that sounds like a fucking disaster.You could also try to find a credit card that offers 0% on balance transfers for up to a year, I think Chase even offered one that was 0% for 18 months for a while. Chase Slate maybe? Can't remember now.
My brother in law was putting in a back patio for his current house, and I was removing the old stairs from the back door. The main block of the stoop? Reinforced with and rebar. Who the fuck does that? Who in the hell uses like 10ish cubic feet of reinforced concrete for part of the stairs on a cheap slab house? Once I exposed the rebar I went at that shit for a good 15-20 minutes with the sledge and couldn't make any progress. Maybe if he'd also had a heavy duty stone chisel, but he just said hell with it and rented a jackhammer.My wife wants to replace our sliding glass door with one, but I'd need to build a new patio/step platform to be wide enough for both sides of a French door, and we currently have concrete steps. F that.
It is reasonable, since I don't want to lug it all with me when I GTFO.That sounds entirely more reasonable.
Thats a good tip. would of never thought to use wax, but it does make sense.To expand on the waxing Noodle's door rails. You don't want to use stuff like grease or wd40 because dirt sticks to it and after a while it's worst than before you put any lubricant. That's why it seems to work great after an application of wd40 but turns to shit after a while. Dirt won't stick to wax like it does with an oil, which is a big advantage in such application. You don't need any fancy wax either, even a birthday cake candle will do, they are thin so you can really get in there and "crayon" the bottom of the rail.
As Phelps pointed out the wheels might be busted, so they are just sliding along the rail instead of rolling, hence why fresh lubricant seems to temporally fix the problem.
Graphite also will do well on the wheel axles if those are sticking.Thats a good tip. would of never thought to use wax, but it does make sense.
I thought about just burning the place down and starting over...Should probably just move.![]()
The issue with the motorcycle gear is the neck. Maybe my motorcycle suit and my camping mosquito head net? Hmm. Not a bad idea. The issue is how quickly can I move in the gear and get down a ladder. And if a bee gets trapped inside the gear, as happened with my shirt today, hard to crush it and kill it.Personally id put on my full set of motorcycle gear including the full face and go to town. Those cans have some range tho, if you can get a clean angle you should be able to spray the nest from a safe distance while being on the roof.
Another option is to say fuck this shit, grab the garden hose and shoot water on the roof from the ground and hope it wrecks the nest heh
Btw props for not choosing to jump off the roof and risk breaking your neck. I bet you considered it for a second.