yea, i'm one of the few on my block w/o a suv or larger vehicle, obviously i can tell cuz those cars are too huge and just sit on the driveway, instead of inside, heh.
i am appreciating the use of "big space", i succumbed to a wheelbarrow recently and wow. Recently i reseeded the little patchy areas and b4 i woulda just just dumped half a bag of compost in a bucket and use another bucket for seed, fertilizer trowel, etc and make a dozen trips back and forth to the garage. This time i just empty'd out 5 bags worth, threw all the tools on top of the wheelbarrow and just wheeled it along.
does this mean i'll be popping for a truck? naw but a RAV4 is more than likely. (this unpacking of the tablesaw has opened my eyes)
This fold up table saw is amazingly compact tho!
Folded up, it's just the perfect size to fit on the sides of the garage