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Then install a larger bat house a bit away from your own house and promote bats living in the area.
i have meaning to build a bat house for years, need to get on that.
Then install a larger bat house a bit away from your own house and promote bats living in the area.
You're all just throwing money out of the window. Plant bushes and flowers that support dragonflies around the water sources. A creek can support hundreds to thousands of dragonflies that will basically neuter any larval population on site and hunt them in a 7-8 mile radius. Then install a larger bat house a bit away from your own house and promote bats living in the area. Then put up some bird houses throughout the woods/area for the final drop.
If mosquitoes are as bad as you guys are making it out to be, then the environment in the area has been changed in some type of capacity. Either a new water source was introduced/built and nothing was planted on it to help with mosquitos.. Or, forests etc. were cut for new construction, eliminating the homes of the other predators.
Once you actively set up the homes for these predators, you can basically stop thinking about that shit altogether and go back to having just a simple candle again. Wont happen in a years time, but towards the end of probably next year if you did all that stuff now - youll be sitting pretty.
Waiting 2 weeks for what? For them to be gone? Im telling you right now that they arent going to be gone. The dollars dont stop at 500, either.'"you guys are wasting your money! why dont you just build a whole new ecosystem and wait a couple years instead of spending $500 and waiting 2 weeks"
where am i gonna get dragonflies, bro?
Waiting 2 weeks for what? For them to be gone? Im telling you right now that they arent going to be gone. The dollars dont stop at 500, either.
You said you had a creek, right? Plant water horsetail, Cattail, Dwarf Sagittaria around the creek. Then around the house, plant Black-Eyed Susan's, Gravel Root, Meadow Sage, Yarrow, Borage, and coneflowers. Your significant other will probably love all of that shit. This'll attract them to your area, then they'll start to breed around the creek and fuck up the mosquito larva's. They'll come to you, you just have to "Build it and they will come."
If you cant beautify your property, and set up homes for the predators then Im sure the pest control companies and their products will continue to love you long time.
If mosquitoes are as bad as you guys are making it out to be, then the environment in the area has been changed in some type of capacity.
$500 for the propane trap which covers an acre, then every month $25 for a propane tank and $5 for some mosquito bait. the CO2 emitted by burning of the propane and the mosquito bait luring them into the trap. 2 weeks for the trap to kill enough of them to break up the breeding cycleWaiting 2 weeks for what? For them to be gone? Im telling you right now that they arent going to be gone. The dollars dont stop at 500, either.
You said you had a creek, right? Plant water horsetail, Cattail, Dwarf Sagittaria around the creek. Then around the house, plant Black-Eyed Susan's, Gravel Root, Meadow Sage, Yarrow, Borage, and coneflowers. Your significant other will probably love all of that shit. This'll attract them to your area, then they'll start to breed around the creek and fuck up the mosquito larva's. They'll come to you, you just have to "Build it and they will come."
If you cant beautify your property, and set up homes for the predators then Im sure the pest control companies and their products will continue to love you long time.
Ive managed a project for an HOA that did exactly what I suggested and it worked. I wouldnt have received approval nor funding if there was no data supporting it. Ive also replicated what I suggested to you around my house next to Smith Mountain Lake and its been successful here. Look, if you dont want to get your hands dirty - thats all you have to say. But saying its terrible advice is just flat out wrong. Regardless, Im not going to argue about it. Do what you want.$500 for the propane trap which covers an acre, then every month $25 for a propane tank and $5 for some mosquito bait. the CO2 emitted by burning of the propane and the mosquito bait luring them into the trap. 2 weeks for the trap to kill enough of them to break up the breeding cycle
no offense dude, but im not going to create an entire full time job for myself planting bushes, plants, introducing dragonflies, building a bat house, introducing bats afterwards and then waiting over a year for the outcome. i got a full time job, a side business, wife works full time and i got a kid with another one on the way. even if i had time for your "solution" id rather spend those hundreds of hours doing something else.
your advice is terrible.
Ive managed a project for an HOA that did exactly what I suggested and it worked. I wouldnt have received approval nor funding if there was no data supporting it. Ive also replicated what I suggested to you around my house next to Smith Mountain Lake and its been successful here. Look, if you dont want to get your hands dirty - thats all you have to say. But saying its terrible advice is just flat out wrong. Regardless, Im not going to argue about it. Do what you want.
Ive managed a project for an HOA that did exactly what I suggested and it worked. I wouldnt have received approval nor funding if there was no data supporting it. Ive also replicated what I suggested to you around my house next to Smith Mountain Lake and its been successful here. Look, if you dont want to get your hands dirty - thats all you have to say. But saying its terrible advice is just flat out wrong. Regardless, Im not going to argue about it. Do what you want.
Flies are scent sensitive. Depending on your soil and climate of your area, something as simple as planting Sweet Woodruff around the perimeter of your property would work exceptionally well.Now do my fly problem and I'll go through with it and report back in a year.
I said I did the landscaping needed for the project and installed a bat house at my own property. Wildly impractical? What? Fine whatever. Its the most retarded idea to ever grace your presence. Whatever you want to think.i just wanted to sit outside in the evening for 30 evenings per year without getting bitten -- not commit to terraforming an entire ecosystem
does your method work? maybe
is it wildly impractical? absolutely.
in his last video mosquito fan dude showed a bat house he was working on, he really fucking hates mosquitoesi have meaning to build a bat house for years, need to get on that.
Ive read conflicting shit that bats do and dont eat Mosquitoes in significant numbers. But I think Bat Houses are overall a net positive, regardless if its Mosquitoes or not. The only thing Ive noticed is that they shit like fucking fiend's. Ive found out that Ive actually been extremely lucky for bats to move in almost immediately after putting one up since they more often than not dont use them.in his last video mosquito fan dude showed a bat house he was working on, he really fucking hates mosquitoes
Ive read conflicting shit that bats do and dont eat Mosquitoes in significant numbers. But I think Bat Houses are overall a net positive, regardless if its Mosquitoes or not. The only thing Ive noticed is that they shit like fucking fiend's. Ive found out that Ive actually been extremely lucky for bats to move in almost immediately after putting one up since they more often than not dont use them.
I mentioned it earlier that they would still need a candle. A natural self sustaining solution only goes so far. The complaints the HOA I manage all but disappeared. But I can surely understand that it may not be a solution that fits all.There's really nothing you can do if you live near an area with wet ground / standing water. Dragonflys / bats won't outcompete certain conditions (although they may help you have more good days than bad), in that they may eventually get them all but there will still be bad days. We have a 1 acre pond and I flood irrigate our pastures. We also have a ton of bats at night, paper wasps and an insane number of dragonflys. They're not a problem usually (mostly cause we get a good breeze often) but we still have bad days where they seem to have met some condition and a shit ton hatch and feast before they can be eaten.
screen a deck or gazeboi just wanted to sit outside in the evening for 30 evenings per year without getting bitten -- not commit to terraforming an entire ecosystem
does your method work? maybe
is it wildly impractical? absolutely.
screen a deck or gazebo
there's some nice screened-in yard stuff these days
When I lived in Raleigh, NC, the house had a babbling brook and adjacent marshy area. I didn't try everything mentioned above, but the only thing that I tried that made a difference in the mosquito population was hiring a pest control/mosquito spray service that came out every 2-3 weeks to fog the perimeter of the property for like $75 a visit. I don't remember what the active ingredient in the spray was, but it's consumer grade and can be purchased/applied by you with a pump sprayer. Read the directions or it won't be as effective (don't apply within X hours of rainfall, don't overdilute, etc).i have a screened patio but i want to sit by the fire in the evening and my daughter wants to play with her water table in the yard