Helped friends move in a new vanity earlier this week. To the second floor, of course. It was a six foot vanity. Of solid oak (white oak, rather fine looking). That thing was just fucking heavy. And then it had a solid stone top to go in as well. Which I believe was even heavier (sinks already in place). Heavy as shit.
However, this was the first time I used those straps you see people moving fridges with. They go over two people's shoulders and have a connecting strap. It's easy to adjust so you can change how high you're holding something (ideal for going up stairs) and then lower it again to get through doorways. I swear that countertop had to be 300 pounds, and just me and one other dude moved it. The vanity was a mere 169 pounds .
And we carried it, the two of us, on end up the stairs and through several doors. These straps are awesome! Don't have to fart around with multiple guys trying to get around corners and all that. I've already ordered me some, and if you're doing renovation, or planning a move, or anything that involves lifting stupid heavy things, I recommend them.
These are the ones:
However, this was the first time I used those straps you see people moving fridges with. They go over two people's shoulders and have a connecting strap. It's easy to adjust so you can change how high you're holding something (ideal for going up stairs) and then lower it again to get through doorways. I swear that countertop had to be 300 pounds, and just me and one other dude moved it. The vanity was a mere 169 pounds .

Ariel hepburn 72 inch double sink base cabinet in white oak
The Ariel Hepburn 72 Inch Double Sink Base Cabinet In White Oak is an elegant and fancy looking vanity that brings the same style as Audrey Hepburn, one of the most famous actress of all times. The mixture of tradition and modern makes it stand out from the most vanity collections. Constructed...

And we carried it, the two of us, on end up the stairs and through several doors. These straps are awesome! Don't have to fart around with multiple guys trying to get around corners and all that. I've already ordered me some, and if you're doing renovation, or planning a move, or anything that involves lifting stupid heavy things, I recommend them.
These are the ones: