What should be kept in mind IMO is Dar Adal being aoff the booksCIA manager, which means he's abehind the curtainsSaul type, he'd lack management skills and he'd need to rely on senior guys hierarchy wise. Whenever official management is in jeopardy, he'll have to do anything to secure his position. These kind of guys are all about patriotism and survival, they'll do anything to secure their positions, sometimes for the greater good.
Dar Adal feeding on both moralefag Senator and Saul's ideologism is quite comprehensive ; he's aware about US politics while having his own survival agenda. He knows moralefag senator is balls deep into making press busts rather than dwelling into backhand spyshit politics. Bethesda cops not being able to indict Quinn is quite relevant ; Quinn feeling aside, it's about how national security can get rid of the Law out there. Dar Adal, being an oldfag, has experience about shit going down the drain when it's about major spy play revelations. In my opinion he's just taking care of both ends : sticking with Saul while playing the "I told you so" card in case moralefag senator will take CIA directorship. Win-win, since we always need black ops guys, especially within a top national intelligence agency.