Do you guys have a place online where you order soil sample kits to send in? I want to test my soil nutrients and for things like nematodes.
See if you can find something specific to your state. If you were in florida id have recommendations.Might go ahead with the garden at our house . . . prolly 20x20, or 20x10. Not huge, but something to put in and do etc.
Anyone have a good written hard copy resource (like twist of the wrist for motorcycles) w/ the crop rotations, what to plant to maximize yield etc?
Prolly gonna do garden OR chickens, not both. And since I might sell the house in the fall, a nice garden set up would give a harvest, wouldnt have to fuck w/ moving it, and would be a selling point for the house (I think).
So prolly garden.
How the hell are you guys getting that much longevity out of the wood on those trailers?
Is it climate?
We replaced ours twice in a decade.
Yeah weird. I was doing research on forums and kept coming across people bitching about steel rusting to pieces and wood rotting (neither has been my experience).My experience is the same. They should last 20 years unless you are chewing them up with heavy tracked equipment.
Are you not using pressure treated lumber? Maybe you're getting dry rot fungus or something.
How much do those things usually weigh, what’s the payload capacity on your trailer and what specific trailer do you have? What was the cost?
Not concerned about towing capacity. I have a 2500 diesel truck I used to tow a 16k lbs boat. Trailer did have hydraulic brakes but I did tow it with no brakes once when fluid had leaked… Amazing how much these modern diesel trucks can tow. Can tow pretty much anything I’d imagine I’d use.Foler what's the towing capacity of your vehicle? Don't overdo it with your trailer. For example, I know someone who had an older truck, a smaller one, and they bought a covered trailer. The trailer itself was nearly the towing capacity of the vehicle, so they could load almost nothing in it. Dumb move. Figure out what you're most likely to tow. For me I periodically tow my tractor around, and it's about 3,500 pounds, which is the limit of my trucks towing capacity unless I got a trailer with brakes of its own. Then I can tow up to 7,500 pounds. So I'm golden. You might want to be looking for a trailer with brakes of its own so you don't have to update your vehicle.
You can look at something like this:
Big Tex Trailers 70PI (7' X 16') Tandem Axle Utility Trailer with brakes on BOTH axles and 7K GVWR | East Coast Autos & Trailers | Wilmington NC Trailers and Storage Barns
The 70PI-X Tandem Axle Pipe Top Utility Trailer comes standard with a generous 83-inch width. Ideal for hauling compact trailers, small equipment and other farm & ranch applications. We order all of ours with brakes on BOTH axles so that you can confidently leave the state of NC as the laws in
I don't want a flat trailer, as I often move dirt/mulch/gravel/firewood or whatever. Its super helpful to be able to put up my 20 inch plywood walls in the trailer (I made them easy in, easy out, and that's not hard to do). You can haul a lot more of anything like dirt that way.
When you have an entire forest to do it almost becomes religious.When I first saw devining I thought you had a religious thing going on there for a sec.
It's horrendous right now. The engine went out in our '06 F-250 V10 and it's $8500 to put a new engine in it and there's no used engines available or if there are they want $500 under the price of a new one for it. I figured I could get a pickup at least as good as that thing for less than $8500 and move our bale bed onto it. Holy shit was I wrong. Pickups with from the 90's with 250K miles on them are going for $15k. That '06 just has a little over 100k on it so if it ran good would probably be pushing $25k. Insane. $8500 engine it is. I really dislike that V-10 and it chaps my ass to pay that much for one but I don't know what other option there is.Then again as I wrote this last sentence I remembered how expensive even a 15 year old truck may be right now. Bleh.
Wow that blows. Yeah, not a fan of the v10… Really hard to go back to gas for towing after having diesel. Don’t think I could stomach putting a new 8500 v10 in an 06 Ford F-250..It's horrendous right now. The engine went out in our '06 F-250 V10 and it's $8500 to put a new engine in it and there's no used engines available or if there are they want $500 under the price of a new one for it. I figured I could get a pickup at least as good as that thing for less than $8500 and move our bale bed onto it. Holy shit was I wrong. Pickups with from the 90's with 250K miles on them are going for $15k. That '06 just has a little over 100k on it so if it ran good would probably be pushing $25k. Insane. $8500 engine it is. I really dislike that V-10 and it chaps my ass to pay that much for one but I don't know what other option there is.
Don’t think I could stomach putting a new 8500 v10 in an 06 Ford F-250..