Horizon 2: Forbidden West


<Gold Donor>
Bought this on a steam sale recently. With my new gaming rig and everything cranked at 4k this is stunning.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I loved the OG Horizon game, and in my opinion it had one of THE best sci-fi stories. Forbidden West was a lot more of the same and had fun game play, but goddamn every single side quest took me out of the game when they repeated over and over that their spouse was the same sex as them. Ok I get it. 90% of the people in the future are gay lol
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  • 1Faggotry
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FPS noob
yeah same I loved HZD and the story was gripping, the second game shit the bed I'd say even the main story quest is retarded and if you go off to do all the quests you literally get stuck for like 30 hours while the main story doesn't progress at all. Its completely unfulfilling too and ends on a silly cliffhanger that doesn't really matter.

It was so bad I won't be playing the third game until its free on PS+ or whatever, fuck the franchise they ruined a good story and world with teh gay

its just tiring with western devs, cuz the same thing happened with God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2 wasn't that good, HFW sucked, TLOU2 sucked, just endless trash in the past 10 years from most western devs. so i have zero tears when they have been having mass layoffs and shit the last 12 months, no duh you made games for people who don't actually buy games, grats.

not sure its really changing either, i guess alan wake 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 were good so maybe there is some hope but then you look at how dumb Assassins Creed Shadows, Star Wars Outlaws, and the new shitty Dragon Age game are and i guess not.
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  • 2Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
HFW is an excellent game, it's a step up from HZD in so many ways - graphics, combat, skills, itemization. Narrative wasn't as good but it was still excellent. Final boss was definitely a downgrade.

It was jam packed with same sex couples which is enough to single handedly ruin it for miserable boomers though.
  • 7Faggotry
  • 1SchwarzeNeg
Reactions: 7 users


Mr. Poopybutthole
HFW is an excellent game, it's a step up from HZD in so many ways - graphics, combat, skills, itemization. Narrative wasn't as good but it was still excellent. Final boss was definitely a downgrade.

It was jam packed with same sex couples which is enough to single handedly ruin it for miserable boomers though.
You don't have to be a miserable boomer to be tired of seeing faggots everywhere, especially in a setting where they really shouldn't exist at all. Faggots like you are a sad consequence of the comforts of modern civilization.
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  • 3Solidarity
  • 1Faggotry
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Trakanon Raider
You don't have to be a miserable boomer to be tired of seeing faggots everywhere, especially in a setting where they really shouldn't exist at all. Faggots like you are a sad consequence of the comforts of modern civilization.
Uhuh, and what is being obsessed with faggotry in media a sad consequence of?
  • 3Faggotry
  • 1GreNeg
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Tranny Chaser
Is there a mod to make aloy a sahm npc and replace her previous pc role with a gi joe? We could call it DINOWARS or some cool shit.
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
Uhuh, and what is being obsessed with faggotry in media a sad consequence of?
Gavinmad Gavinmad is right, you're a great example of the dross the west has enabled.

Worry not dipshit, you'll still be able to argue pronouns and other faggotry in HFW. Those boomers, who are largely pushing the DEI you're wacking off to, won't be able to stop you!
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
Worry not dipshit, you'll still be able to argue pronouns and other faggotry in HFW.
The amusing part of it of course is that you tell me not to worry, but it's actually you and your ilk who are obsessed with such inane nonsense.
I'm here to play video games (of which HFW is an excellent example) and such trivialities have no bearing on that.
  • 1Faggotry
  • 1Pathetic
  • 1OK, Sure
Reactions: 2 users


<Silver Donator>
The amusing part of it of course is that you tell me not to worry, but it's actually you and your ilk who are obsessed with such inane nonsense.
I'm here to play video games (of which HFW is an excellent example) and such trivialities have no bearing on that.
Betaboy d&d cringe extroverts are the only ones that use "ilk" regularly.

The entirety of the internet is full of people and sites that aggressively promote all the shit you're defending here, and they will ban anyone that opposes those viewpoints in an instant. On this site, you get a little bit of debate and a whole lot of shit talking (and an eventual temporary shaw).

If you don't like the tone of this particular video game forum, :emoji_fork_knife_plate::emoji_poop::emoji_coffin::emoji_gay_pride_flag:. You could close your eyes, smash the keyboard and find 100 other game sites that love greased up genderless twinks just as much as you do.
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  • 2Worf
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The amusing part of it of course is that you tell me not to worry, but it's actually you and your ilk who are obsessed with such inane nonsense.
I'm here to play video games (of which HFW is an excellent example) and such trivialities have no bearing on that.

I know you are trolling, but almost nobody here is godbothering anti gay, we're just sick of activists taking over the gaming industry and shoe horning in messaging for the modern audience. The same modern audience who doesn't actually BUY games, so here we are with mass layoffs.

And Bandwagon is right, the more forums people get banned from for civil discussions, they feel validated they are correct in their thinking, so further right they go, it's a fun cycle! I'm still lefty leftist when it comes to certain things, but fuck the current DEI gaming hellscape.
  • 1Truth!
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<Gold Donor>
I thought the game looked good, you can take that SJW shit to the gamergate thread. I did look last night to see if there was a mod to fix her face. Why the thought there was a need to make her look fat faced is beyond me. Maybe she had a brain tumor and had to take dexamethasone too?

Btw the sound on this was fucked for me. Voices way too low regardless of settings. I found this, which helped a ton.

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