Ok now that the honeymoon period is over, there are a few things about the game that bug me. First off, the game is still really good, definitely worth the purchase price., so not trying to downplay that, but it's never going to reach TLOU status for me and now I'm putting it in league with FO4.
1) Climbing in this game is poorly done compared to games like TLOU and Uncharted series. There are several surfaces, small hills, etc, that seem climbable, but I end up jumping next to them and I can't get on top of it. Seems like without those little obvious yellow ropes or cut-out ledges, some surfaces just can't be climbed. I don't know if others have this issue, but it definitely breaks the immersion for me. Even Skyrim does it better and that game has been out for years.
2) Vantage quests and collection quests irritate me because the markers are only for the area, not the actual location of the object needed in question. I'm not asking for the marker to be right on top of it because I don't want a make it too easy, but they really need to make the area/item we need to get more visibile while scanning. Especially the Vantage quests I find myself running around the area circled for 10-15 minutes trying to look for the right spot. It's not fun, just like it wasn't fun for me in FFXV. I don't wa't to use spoilers/websites/youtube to try and find the spots, so I've been doing a precursory run through and if I don't find it, fuck it, I just keep working on quests.