The more and more I play this game, the more hilarious it becomes. Like a bad movie it grows on you.
My favorite part of this game right now is that all of Aloy's dialogue is clearly written by some feminist who has no idea how the world really works and simply imagines how things would happen had she been in Aloy's place. Like when this downy cunt talks down to kings and priests in a post apocalyptic primitive world without getting backhanded before the last word leaves her mouth, that's how this Women's Studies major imagines things will be in the future once modern civilization fell apart. Or when she is sooooo sensitive to everyone's feelings during quest lines.
The best part however has to be when she threatens people or tries to take charge. It comes off so fake that all I see is this goofy FAB trying to boss people around or threaten them.
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Here's a great example
"What have you done!" (i am upset)
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"Ugh, let me look at it!" (i am a wahmyn taking charge)
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I have now come to a better understanding why I hate this game so much.
The mechanical animal retardation aside, its because this game is fucking Assassin's Creed: Greta Thunberg complete with all the gay ass environmental dogshit undertones such as humankind being evil and responsible for destroying nature.
If I was going to play a game based on a famous political person I'd have a lot more fun with Crackhead's Creed: the Hunter Biden Edition or Ice Cream Simulator with Joe Biden.
, every time I hear her trying to assert herself, this is how I see you asking for a raise at work.
Anyways, just finished the Grave's Hoard, so I'm on to the next contrived shitpile of a level that these Devs ripped off from Deus Ex.