I think it's what he intended... it comes off... well, it doesn't come off good.
He had a string of movies that in retrospect are spooky. Ususal suspects, where he plays the criminal hiding in plain sight, American Beauty where he plays the middle aged man who fantasizes about jailbait and succumbs, Beyond the Garden of Good and Evil, where he plays a closeted southern gentleman accused of murdering his young lover and undertakes his own defense.
That video he's made there comes straight out of Garden. It really does.
I think Kevin's lost his shit. Considering how loose his shit was to begin with and what's happened to him over the past year I'm not terribly surprised. At the same time, he's fucking 15 year old boys so fuck him. He'll never see a cell and he probably should. I don't think he appreciates the seriousness of his transgression. Trying to play it off with that "lol, i'm gay!" tweet and this rebuttal... I don't think he gets it. Which at the very least means he'll go right back to it if given the opportunity. It really is too bad, because I find him to be an intelligent man in many ways.